On Monday, the United Nations, which may be the leading bastion of political correctness on Planet Earth, tweeted its support for making the world gender-neutral, writing, “What you say matters. Help create a more equal world by using gender-neutral language if you’re unsure about someone’s gender or are referring to a group.”
Below that message, the United Nations wrote, “If you don’t know someone’s gender or when talking about a group, use gender-neutral language.” Then the U.N. offered some examples of its preferred mode of speaking, replacing “mankind” with “humankind,” “chairman” with “chair,” “congressman” with “legislator,” “businessman” with “representative,” “policeman” with “police officer,” “landlord” with “owner,” “boyfriend/girlfriend” with “partner,” “salesman” with “salesperson,” “manpower” with “workforce,” “maiden name” with “family name,” “fireman” with “firefighter,” and “husband/wife” with “spouse.”
What you say matters.
Help create a more equal world by using gender-neutral language if you're unsure about someone's gender or are referring to a group. https://t.co/QQRFPY4VRn #GenerationEquality via@UN_Women pic.twitter.com/koxoAZZuxq
— United Nations (@UN) May 18, 2020
The United Nations’ concern with political correctness at a time of a global pandemic, not to mention its coddling of some of the most brutal regimes on earth, triggered myriad tweets mocking it. Last October, The New York Post editorial board noted:
Venezuela just won a seat on the UN Human Rights Council, though it transparently does not “uphold the highest standards” on rights, as members are supposed to. The nation’s rulers are destroying it. Food and medicine are scarce, vaccine-preventable diseases are spreading and maternal and infant mortality are soaring. The government routinely tortures political prisoners and, according to a July UN report, death squads break into homes, assault women and execute the men.
U.S. Ambassador Kelly Craft snapped, “That one of the world’s worst human-rights abusers would be granted a seat on a body that is supposed to defend human rights is utterly appalling,” adding that it was “an embarrassment to the United Nations and a tragedy for the people of Venezuela.”
Thus, this tweet responding to the U.N.’s Monday tweet:
Kick Venezuela off of the UN Human Rights Council, and then we can talk about politically correct nonsense. https://t.co/qcuAJsDH1V
— YAF (@yaf) May 18, 2020
Some examples of the U.N.’s moral compass: In October 2018, The International Court of Justice at the United Nations issued an “order” demanding that the United States lift sanctions against Iran.
The Daily Wire has reported, “The Human Rights Council (of the UN) has no problem inviting a man cited as one of the most brutal men in the world address it, and a look at the new members inaugurated in 2017 into the Council shows a list of some of the most anti-human rights governments in existence.”
In December 2016, after the Obama administration stabbed Israel in the back by abstaining from a vote at United Nations Security Council on Israeli settlement construction, allowing a resolution to condemn the settlements and brand East Jerusalem, including Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount, as non-Jewish territory, the late pundit Charles Krauthammer stated of the U.N., “It is an organization that exacerbates tensions, it does not assuage them.” He said of U.N. headquarters in New York City, “I think that’s good real estate in downtown New York City. And Trump ought to find a way to put his name on it and turn it into condos.”
Let me say this, right from the bottom of my heart: go f*** yourselves, you dictatorship-enabling bulls*** artists. https://t.co/DVfRrbKnSZ
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) May 18, 2020
Why do you get any of our tax money https://t.co/AvNCCg26wM
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 18, 2020
NBA says 'owner' is no good, sorry UN. Try 'governor' or 'caretaker' https://t.co/rDrHLPtLSw
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) May 18, 2020
Ah, the @UN, always tackling the issue of the moment… https://t.co/fLuFLWyYW2
— Daniel Hannan (@DanielJHannan) May 18, 2020
UN Human Rights Council 2020:
Sudan: 12 million women have suffered from genital mutilation in the last decade.
Mauritania: Refuses to legally define rape.
Libya: limits number of women who can serve in parliament.
Indonesia: conducts “virginity testing.”
Address this first. https://t.co/QUr4hyMo0I
— Yoni Michanie (@YoniMichanie) May 18, 2020
Literally every single crossed-out word is better than the proposed replacement, and some those aren't even remotely synonymous. For example, since when does it make sense to call a "businessman" a "representative?" https://t.co/rUdChSfRK0
— Jeff Blehar is *BOX OFFICE POISON* (@EsotericCD) May 18, 2020
The @UN was formed "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind." Now that it's taken care of that problem, it can move on to more important stuff, like reminding you to call your landlord your "owner." https://t.co/fnQGcFspxX
— Jeff Jacoby (@Jeff_Jacoby) May 18, 2020
Defund https://t.co/fi0oAVZ9AO
— Benjamin Weingarten (@bhweingarten) May 18, 2020
What a load of codswallop. Stuff the UN – say what you like. https://t.co/FBwAv4CLXt
— David Kurten (@davidkurten) May 18, 2020
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