On Monday, Fox News contributor and conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer blasted the United Nations for ignoring genocide and other serious humanitarian tragedies and displaying blatant and active anti-Semitism. A fired-up Krauthammer ended his pointed rant by offering up some advise to President-elect Donald Trump: Slap your name on the UN headquarters in New York City and “turn it into condos.”
After noting that the United States pays for nearly a quarter of the UN’s funding, Krauthammer said that the organization spends “more than half its time and energy and resources and bureaucracy trying to attack the only Jewish state on the planet, a tiny little spec, while genocide, mayhem, murder and terrorism is going on all over the world.”
As indirectly referenced by Krauthammer, President Barack Obama cemented his anti-Israel stance on Friday when he stabbed Israel, America’s greatest Middle Eastern ally, in the back by abstaining from a vote at United Nations Security Council on Israeli settlement construction. Without America’s veto, the resolution to condemn the settlements and brand East Jerusalem non-Jewish territory passed 14-0, putting Jewish lives at risk.
“It’s an obsession that, to an outside observer, appears to be insane,” the pundit continued, before directly inquiring why the United States is even funding the UN.
Krauthammer added that the UN spends a huge portion of its resourses “undermining the United States and democracy and our allies around the world.”
“It is an organization that exacerbates tensions, it does not assuage them,” he stated.
The UN may have been “born in hope, at the end of the Second World War,” said Krauthammer, but “it turned out to be a disaster.”
Putting the final nail in the UN coffin, the conservative suggested that a President Trump turn the UN into condos.
“I think that’s good real estate in downtown New York City,” he joked, referencing UN headquarters. “And Trump ought to find a way to put his name on it and turn it into condos.”
On Friday, Krauthammer blasted Obama for the resolution’s passing, unequivocally stating that such abstention was an intentional “U.S. operation” to slight Israel.
Read the seven worst things the UN has ever done here.