Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said during an interview over the weekend that he expects President Joe Biden to sign legislation that was unanimously passed by Congress to declassify U.S. intelligence on the origins of the COVID pandemic.
“I do think he’ll sign it,” Cotton told Maria Bartiomo during a Sunday interview on Fox News. “I suspect they’re trying to get their ducks in a row on what they will and will not release.”
“But what I can tell you is the observations I made on your show now three years ago, and ever since then, have been based not really on any kind of classified intelligence, but just common sense and the facts in front of our faces,” he continued. “I think any farmer or trucker in Arkansas with an ounce of common sense will tell you this virus almost certainly came from those labs, and a large majority of Americans now believe that as well.”
“The Biden administration simply doesn’t want to align itself with that view, they want to continue to stress the uncertainty or the lack of direct evidence — which we may never have, because China has covered it up — because they don’t want to be forced to take action to hold China accountable for unleashing this plague on the world,” he added.
MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS HOST: Joining me right now is the man who first alerted the public to the probability that COVID-19 escaped from the Wuhan lab on this program, back in March of 2020. Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is here. He sits on the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence Committees and Senator it’s always a pleasure. Thanks very much for being here.
SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): Thank you, Maria; it’s good to be back on with you.
BARTIROMO: Do you expect the President to sign that bill to declassify the intelligence around COVID-19?
COTTON: I do think he’ll sign it, Maria. I suspect they’re trying to get their ducks in a row on what they will and will not release. But what I can tell you is the observations I made on your show now three years ago, and ever since then, have been based not really on any kind of classified intelligence, but just common sense and the facts in front of our faces. I think any farmer or trucker in Arkansas with an ounce of common sense will tell you this virus almost certainly came from those labs, and a large majority of Americans now believe that as well. The Biden administration simply doesn’t want to align itself with that view, they want to continue to stress the uncertainty or the lack of direct evidence — which we may never have, because China has covered it up — because they don’t want to be forced to take action to hold China accountable for unleashing this plague on the world.