Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) nominated Bernie Sanders for president on Tuesday night at the Democrat National Convention.
The original version of this report incorrectly stated that Ocasio-Cortez had snubbed Joe Biden by nominating Sanders, a mistake also made by NBC News. The DNC had apparently asked Ocasio-Cortez to second Sanders’ nomination for president as a procedural requirement of the convention.
Editor's note and clarification (2/2):
Ocasio-Cortez was asked by the DNC to second Sanders' nomination. The nomination is a procedural requirement of the convention.
Ocasio-Cortez has previously endorsed Biden, & her speech was similar in length to other nominating speeches.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) August 19, 2020
Ocasio-Cortez began by stating, “Good evening, bienvenidos, and thank you to everyone here today endeavoring toward a better, more just future for our country and our world, in fidelity and gratitude to a mass people’s movement working to establish 21st-century social, economic and human rights, including guaranteed health care, higher education, living wages and labor rights for all people in the United States.”
“A movement striving to recognize and repair the wounds of racial injustice, colonization, misogyny and homophobia,” she continued. “And to propose and build reimagined systems of immigration and foreign policy that turn away from the violence and xenophobia of our past. A movement that realizes the unsustainable brutality of an economy that rewards explosive inequalities of wealth for the few, at the expense of long-term stability for the many. And who organized a historic, grass roots campaign to reclaim our democracy.”
“In a time when millions of people in the United States are looking for deep systemic solutions to our crisis of mass evictions, unemployment, and lack of health care, en el espíritu del pueblo, and out of a love for all people, I hereby second the nomination of Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont for president of the United States of America,” she concluded.
Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that Sanders led a “campaign to reclaim our democracy” comes after the 78-year-old socialist has repeatedly praised brutal communist dictators.
BREAKING: In her Democratic National Convention Speech, @AOC nominates Bernie Sanders for President. pic.twitter.com/CW3nh0JauL
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 19, 2020
Biden has stated that, if elected, he would be one of the most “progressive,” or far-left, presidents in U.S. history. His running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), is ranked by GovTrack, a non-partisan organization that tracks bills in Congress, as the “most liberal compared to All Senators.”
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Editor’s note: This report has been corrected after inaccurately stating that Ocasio-Cortez had snubbed Biden by nominating Sanders at the convention.