The Palestinian son of a Hamas co-founder — who later converted to Christianity — stated that Israel is “doing the Palestinian people the greatest favor by bringing Hamas down.”
Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, spoke with Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade.
“I was born at the heart of Hamas leadership and I know them very well,” he recalled. “They don’t care for the Palestinian people. They don’t regard human life. I saw their brutality first-hand back in 1996 when I spent about a year and a half in Megiddo prison. They killed so many Palestinian people at that time. This is when I decided I cannot be together with this movement.”
“In fact, I asked myself a question: What if they become a ruling party at some point? What will they do?” he continued. “If they succeed in destroying Israel and building their state, what will they do? They will kill our people. And this was the first question that actually I had to be honest with myself, even though Hamas gave me advantages. I was like a prince in that world, but I did not like them. I turned against even my own blood because this is how much I did not like Hamas.”
“Today, 25 years later, they are the rulers of Gaza and we see what they are capable of doing,” he declared. “This is an ugly war, and Israel did not start it: Hamas did.”
Yousef encouraged women and children, “maybe men over 50,” to evacuate Gaza and go to Egypt before Israel launched its counterattack on Hamas. He advised that after that, Gaza be cut into “two pieces: north and south,” acknowledging that the Hamas terrorists were in the tunnels in the north.
“We need to have a solid siege for long enough to deplete the enemy and starve them,” he posited. “After that we may need to explore using gas [to flush out terrorists from the tunnels]. This sounds horrible, but I don’t see any other option: the tunnels are interconnected but gas could be one of the solutions but this has to be in the right time. We cannot just rush into Gaza; there is no modern army that is prepared for this type of war.”
“After we destroy the tunnels, we need to finish Hamas’ rule in the Gaza strip; this is priority number one,” he said. “We need to replace their rule in Gaza; after that we can talk about aid. But as of now, sending any aid is a mistake.”
“Hamas is serving foreign agendas; we’re talking about Iran and we’re talking about Russia,” he asserted. “Hamas serves both parties; Iran pays them close to a billion dollars annually. Iran is the real master in this picture. Hamas does not serve the Palestinian people; Hamas serves Iran. Those are the masters of Hamas. So their lie about nationalism, that they are a nationalist movement that cares of the Palestinian people? Look at them! They are using Palestinian people as human shields!”
He said bluntly, “We need to free Gaza from Hamas. This is what Israel is doing. It’s doing the Palestinian people the greatest favor by bringing Hamas down.”
Asked by Kilmeade about the protests around the world supporting the terrorist group, he replied, “I cannot convince the entire world of truth. … Public opinion is very important but unfortunately, it’s not the time to win the public opinion; it’s the time to win the war against the most brutal terrorist organization living today.”
"I was born at the heart of Hamas leadership and I know them very well. They don't care for the Palestinian people. They are using the Palestinian cause only to achieve their goals, transforming the Middle East and the world into an Islamic state."
— Yasmine Mohammed 🦋 ياسمين محمد (@YasMohammedxx) October 20, 2023