Former White House physician, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), who served in the role under the Obama and Trump administrations, said during an interview Sunday morning that U.S. officials must explain to the American public what is going on with Biden’s mental fitness for office pretty soon.
Jackson made the remarks to Fox News host Maria Bartiromo when he was asked to assess “the mental capacity of President Biden.”
“You know, it’s continued to get worse since he was candidate Joe Biden,” Jackson said. “When I first started talking about this, the American people have continued to have questions about a lot of his bizarre behaviors, this holding hands thing is one of them, the way he makes up stories, and he just repeatedly tells the stories that everyone has documented are not true, that happens pretty frequently. He has these emotional outbursts. He shuffles when he walks. He slurs his speech. He always looks frail and fragile. I just think it’s continued to get worse and worse.”
“And I think that now the Democrats and the mainstream media now are starting to say, ‘we can’t ignore this a whole lot longer,'” Jackson continued. “At some point or another, we’re going to have to address this, we’re going to have to explain to the American people what’s going on, you know, I have to ask them multiple times to see his complete medical record for the American people to see it, for him to do cognitive tests.”
Joe Biden's behavior is getting more and more bizarre. His cognitive decline is on full display, and it's only getting worse. He needs to take a cognitive exam immediately or leave office. EVERYONE knows something's wrong!
— Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) September 18, 2022
MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS: Joining me right now the former White House physician for Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump and now Texas Congressman, Ronny Jackson. … It’s good to have you this morning. Thanks so much for being here. How would you assess the mental capacity of President Biden?
REP. RONNY JACKSON (R-TX): Well, Maria, it’s not gotten any better. You know, it’s continued to get worse since he was candidate Joe Biden. When I first started talking about this, the American people have continued to have questions about a lot of his bizarre behaviors, this holding hands thing is one of them, the way he makes up stories, and he just repeatedly tells the stories that everyone has documented are not true, that happens pretty frequently. He has these emotional outbursts. He shuffles when he walks. He slurs his speech. He always looks frail and fragile. I just think it’s continued to get worse and worse. And I think that now the Democrats and the mainstream media now are starting to say, ‘we can’t ignore this a whole lot longer.’ At some point or another, we’re going to have to address this, we’re going to have to explain to the American people what’s going on, you know, I have to ask them multiple times to see his complete medical record for the American people to see it for him to do cognitive tests, like President Trump had done to reassure the American people that he can do this because we’re headed down, we’re headed down a bad path, something bad is gonna happen domestically here in this country with the potential terrorists crossing our border, or something bad is gonna happen overseas from a national security standpoint. We’re gonna get lots of Americans killed. And that’s when people will really want to dig in and see what’s going on. It’ll be too late then. We need to we need to make sure he can do his job. And I honestly don’t think that he can.