Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis spoke with Fox News host Mark Levin Sunday evening in a wide ranging interview about his new book that is set to be released this week and about the numerous successes that he has secured as governor.
The interview comes amid mounting speculation that DeSantis will announce sometime over the next few months that he will run for president in 2024 as polling has repeatedly showed that he and former President Donald Trump are the top two candidates for the GOP primary.
DeSantis told Levin that he wrote his new book “The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival” and did not rely on a ghostwriter to do the work.
“I think it comes across as more authentic because it is me writing this,” DeSantis said, adding that he did not include attacks against others in the book because he doesn’t believe in sharing details from private conversations that he has had with other officials because those conversations were in confidence.
DeSantis said that Republicans needed to learn how to go on offense instead of always having to be on defense where they are having to respond to what the Democrats are doing.
“It’s a lot easier for a governor — an executive to be on offense, but what I would say is one of the things I did when I was becoming governor, I compiled all the constitutional authorities the governor had, all the statutory authority, so I know what could I do by myself, what do I need to legislature for, what’s my relationship with local government officials?” he said. “Because I’ve removed bad election officials, I removed the Soros-backed prosecutor, and so we have certain authorities under Florida’s constitution, and so I understood that because you have an agenda you want to get passed or you want it to stick, but you don’t just say I want this and it happens, you’ve got to get it through those constitutional checks and balances.”
DeSantis said that one of the decisions that he made early on that proved to be critical was not relying on polls to dictate how to govern.
“You and I could go out, we could poll a group of 100 people; that’s just a static analysis of how they respond to a certain question. If I phrase the question different, probably get a different response,” DeSantis said. “So I don’t need to know what the static view [is]. What I need to know is if I set out the vision, if I execute that vision, if I produce favorable results, then will they be — will they be with me?”
“As a leader don’t be captive to public opinion, shape public opinion,” DeSantis said. “And I think we’ve proven that we did that. I went from winning by 32,000 votes to winning by 1.5 million votes.”
DeSantis said that the people that he has hired in his administration are true believers in what he is doing as evidenced by the fact that his administration has had no leaks to the media.
“No leaking, none of your own agenda, and we laid that down very early and from the time we did that, I didn’t have a single leak in the administration for 4 years,” he said. “I ran the highest profile governor reelection campaign in the country, not one leak from my campaign apparatus. That’s how you know you have people that are committed to the mission.”