Scholars and commentators expose how political and cultural agendas have been subverting Western values and civil liberties in a new documentary released on Monday, titled “Civilization in the Danger Zone.”
Released under the non-profit corporation Doc Emet Productions, filmmaker Gloria Z. Greenfield said in a news release that the documentary comes amid dedicating her career to studying Judeo-Christian tenets, which she adds lie at the heart of Western civilization.
“This documentary exposes, for the first time ever, the ongoing effort by extreme ideologues to undermine the philosophical pillars of the West,” Greenfield said. “From corporations pushing radical gender ideologies to the woke indoctrination of children, we are witnessing a concerted attempt to destabilize the foundations of our society.”
The film includes a list of several scholars and writers who claim secular forces have been dismantling American democracy since the late 1960s during the sexual revolution.
“As our nation became more secularized, institutions like churches and schools, which used to be unifying forces, lost their significance,” a news release said. “As a result, the decline of family and religious identity has also led to a decline in national unity.”
The film includes author and crime expert Heather Mac Donald, who recently released her new book published by DW Books, “When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives.”
“Americans have forgotten the lessons that the creators of our civilization knew too well,” Mac Donald said in the documentary. “The human spirit can be barbaric, it can be cruel, it can be sadistic — it can strive for as much power as it can get. That’s true of individuals, it’s very much true for governments.”
American historian Victor Davis Hanson, who also appears in the documentary, said the film exposes how the left assaults Western values and liberties.
“People will be shocked by what they learn in this film,” Hanson said in a news release. “The documentary details the divisive ideologies of the radicals who are attempting to subvert our most cherished shared beliefs and traditions.”
Other appearances in the film include Kenneth Marcus, Eric Cohen, Rich Lowry, Larry Arnn, Dave Rubin, Peter Wood, David Brog, Ben Weingarten, Moshe Koppel, John Hinderaker, Nicole Neily, Jason Hill, Robert Paquette, Mark Tapson, Carol Swain, Frank Gaffney, Rachelle Peterson, and Michael Medved.
Audiences can stream “Civilization in the Danger Zone” on the digital streaming platform SalemNOW.