Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro ripped the new “Barbie” movie to pieces in an extensive review of the newly released film.
The 43-minute review by Shapiro, who is the host of the “The Ben Shapiro Show,” was published on Saturday after he and his production team went to see the film in theaters on opening day.
“Let me begin with my generalized assessment of movie,” he began. “This movie is not just a piece of s***. This movie is a flaming piece of dog s*** piled atop an entire dumpster on fire piled atop a landfill filled with dog s***.”
Shapiro declared that “Barbie” was “one of the worst movies” on “every possible level” that he has ever seen.
The only positive part of the movie was the production design, Shapiro said, noting that it would be incredibly hard for anyone to screw that up given the fact that there are a seemingly endless number of products that Mattel has produced in its line of Barbie toys. The only thing that the creators of the movie had to do was make the products life-size, he said.
Shapiro slammed the movie for its overall lack of comedy, saying that the only mild comedic moments happened within the first moments of the film.
Shapiro said that the movie was marketed to moms and their young daughters, as evidenced by the previews during the movie and the audience that attended.
Shapiro said that there was no basic idea behind the film and that those who wrote it could not make up their minds as to “whether they hate Barbie, or they were supposed to kind of like Barbie. It seems they kind of despised Barbie as a fascist emblem.”
“The basic sort of premise of the film, politically speaking, is that men and women are on two sides of the divide, and they hate each other,” he said. “And literally, the only way you can have a happy world is if the women ignore the men and the men ignore the women. That seems to be the final outcome of this film. I was trying to separate this into problems with plot and problems with character and problems with the politics and so on. But they’re all intertwined because the thing is just a mess. It doesn’t make any sense. Plot-wise, it makes no sense. Character-wise, it makes no sense.”
Shapiro said that one of the most perplexing parts of the movie was why Mattel allowed the creators of the movie to use their intellectual property to make a movie that “clearly hate[s]” Barbie.
The movie “has a heavily political message,” Shapiro said. “It is explicitly designed to divide men from women. It has these negative messages directed at kids. It’s supposed to be a kid’s movie, it’s rated PG-13. It is not marketed to PG-13. It is marketed to PG. It is marketed to moms who are going to skip the PG-13 rating and bring their daughters there anyway. It’s a culturally relevant moment, a very culturally relevant moment.”
“I find it upsetting when material is based on children’s IP and marketed to little girls actually ends up being angry feminist claptrap that alienates men from women, undermines basic human values, and promotes falsehood all at the same time,” he continued. “I think a lot of people are gonna have a right to be mad.”
In conclusion, Shapiro said that if he had to give the movie a rating with 10 out of 10 Barbies being good, he would give the film “negative infinity Barbies.”
“I honestly, just as a piece of film, this sucker goes in like my bottom 10 ever — ever, it is that bad,” he said. “Not just because of the politics, because the plot makes no sense, because the writing makes no sense, because the acting half the time, makes no sense. The entire film is a dog’s vomit. It is a dog’s breakfast of film.”
WATCH [warning — contains spoilers]: