
Activist Author Refuses To Begin Interview Until Host Pronounces Her Name Correctly

Dawn Neesom
Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

A clip of activist author Dr. Shola Mos-Shogbamimu refusing to go on with an interview until the host could pronounce her name correctly is making the rounds on social media. 

Mos-Shogbamimu, who is a vocal supporter of Meghan Markle and penned a book about anti-racism, wouldn’t back down during the exchange with British TV presenter Dawn Neesom on Channel 5’s “Jeremy Vine Show.”

“I am absolutely thrilled to be joined by lawyer Dr. Shola…,” Neesom began, but after attempting to sound out her guest’s last name, she asked, “How do I pronounce your name, Shola?”

“Read it, my darling, read it,” Mos-Shogbamimu replied.

Neesom tried again but did not get it right. 

 “This is terrible, especially from a presenter,” Mos-Shogbamimu said while smiling.

Neesom tried to sound it out, saying, “Shola Mos Shog Mam Imu,” but the guest wasn’t satisfied and instructed the host to “do it again.” 

“Oh come on, I got the Shola right,” Neesom said, but Mos-Shogbamimu said, “Do it again and do it phonetically.”

After another attempt, the guest said, “You just missed the B, try again.” At that, Neesom tried to begin the segment.

“Shola, Shola, welcome to the show!” she said.

But Mos-Shogbamimu was adamant and said, “No you will say my name now. Read it phonetically.” When Neesom got close enough on the last attempt, the guest said, “It’s Shogbamimu, but well done.”

Both Mos-Shogbamimu and Neesom posted the clip to their social media accounts. The TV presenter wrote in the caption, “The most fun with the best panel this morning. That’s what three hours sleep does for you.”

Meanwhile, the author of “This Is Why I Resist” posted the clip without comment. 

Mos-Shogbamim previously defended Markle’s decision to skip King Charles III’s coronation last weekend. 


“I think Meghan’s decision to say no to the most powerful family in Britain and to say no to the most talked about party in town is both admirable and inspiring,” she told Good Morning Britain ahead of the event. 

“What Meghan is doing is exercising the power of no that comes from a place of self-worth, growth, maturity and self preservation,” she said. “I think that any wife out there that has bad in-laws like Meghan has with the royal family can deduce that she has drawn a line in the sand. She is saying I will attend royal events, but on my own terms.” 

“But what is more powerful is that Meghan is telling the whole world that I am rejecting any notion that because I married into the royal family I should be bait for toxicity, rage, and abuse,” Mos-Shogbamimu continued. “She is saying to society as a whole: you don’t get to tell me who I should be as a woman, as a mother, and as a wife.”

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The Daily Wire   >  Read   >  Activist Author Refuses To Begin Interview Until Host Pronounces Her Name Correctly