Now that Joe Biden has been inaugurated as president, the White House website contact form wants you to list something in addition to your name, address, phone, and email address: your pronouns.
The @WhiteHouse website contact form now asks for your pronouns.
— GLAAD (@glaad) January 20, 2021
That’s not the only change the Biden team has made in the digital world of the White House. The New York Times reports:
Mr. Biden’s digital takeover also led to the removal of a webpage for a report from President Donald J. Trump’s 1776 Commission, which historians said distorted the history of slavery in the United States, was misleading and was hastily produced. The page that had hosted a PDF of the report now reads “Not Found.” Mr. Biden had said he would cancel the commission.
The controversy over using pronouns in non-traditional ways has spawned various comments, including Tesla and Space X founder Elon Musk tweeting succinctly, “Pronouns suck,” in July 2020.
Pronouns suck
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 25, 2020
In February 2020, Twitter suspended British rapper, author, and podcast host Zuby for “misgendering” Emily Gorcenski, a far-left transgender activist and data scientist, by responding, “ok dude.” The Daily Wire added:
Gorcenski, who is biologically male but identifies as a transgender woman, apparently bragged to Zuby about sleeping with more women than he had, the rapper told The Daily Wire.
In response, Zuby replied, “ok, dude.” That was enough for Zuby to be reported for “hateful conduct” and temporarily suspended from Twitter.
Openly celebrating the suspension, Gorcenski posted a screenshot of an update from Twitter. “Your report about @ZubyMusic has been received,” the tech platform said, adding, “After our review, we’ve locked the account for breaking our rules.”
“Lol misogynist down. Pronouns enforced,” Gorcenski cheered, captioning the screenshot.
The Daily Wire reported in February 2020:
A Christian professor at Shawnee State University told a biological male student who identified as a female that he would not use the student’s preferred pronouns due to his religious beliefs.
The student, according to Alliance Defending Freedom, “became aggressive, circling around him, getting in his face in a threatening fashion, while telling him, ‘Then I guess this means I can call you a c**t.’” The student then threatened the professor’s job and went on to file a formal complaint with university officials.
The Federalist’s Chad Felix Greene reported that the professor, Nicholas Meriwether, sued with the help of ADF after SSU sided with the student and agreed the professor had created a “hostile” environment in violation of the school’s anti-discrimination policy.
“Shawnee State officials have also ignored the Constitution, which guarantees the right of all Americans to speak freely,” Meriwether’s lawsuit said. The court dismissed his suit, claiming he didn’t prove he had been discriminated against for his religious beliefs.
Greene added:
The court rejected the professor’s religious objections, saying the reasonable-person standard would not consider using preferred pronouns as unreasonable and that the anti-discrimination policy is “neutral” and therefore not specifically affecting any religious group or belief. Most shockingly, the court upheld the university’s position that it could not accommodate the professor due to his religious objection, as it would then be required to make similar accommodations for racist or sexist views as well.