Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro sat down with journalist Megyn Kelly as the two long-time friends discussed their careers, raising kids in the insanity of wokeism, transgenderism, the destruction of our culture, and signs that things might be turning around on a new episode of “The Search.”
Shapiro asked the host of the Sirius XM “The Megyn Kelly Show” podcast how she finds a balance on her show between politics and cultural issues. Kelly, however, said she’s much more interested in the culture wars.
“I feel like that just naturally attracts me and I feel like that’s the fight I’m involved in right now,” said Kelly. “Like I feel like I am fighting to save our culture.”
“All the madness that’s around our children, that’s brought out sort of my mama bear instincts and those wars are the ones that we have to fight to protect them,” she said.
“So, I always laugh because I’ll say something on the air, ‘like back in my day, those songs had a melody,’ you know, suddenly you feel like a Tipper Gore or your grandpa, and you’re like, I don’t care,” Kelly continued. “I’m going to fight the battle anyway. … I actually would much rather talk about culture wars than politics on most days, but I do like politics.”
When it comes to culture wars, Shapiro said he hopes we have reached the bottom of the “slippery slope.” Over a decade ago, people feared that the sexualization of the culture and the rise of pornography would destroy generations. They were right, said Shapiro.
“And now it seems like the pendulum is about to swing hard the other way,” he added. “And it should. And people are looking at some of the stuff that people were laughing at 20, 30 years ago. ‘How could these fuddy-duddies be worried about the lyrics in their songs?’ And then they see Sam Smith, and Sam Smith is actually prancing around like gender non-binary Satan, and they’re like, ‘Oh, maybe this maybe, maybe these people are not so wrong in the first place.'”
When the conversation turned to the transgender debate, Kelly admitted her opinions have changed over time.
“Go back to I think it was 2008, and we have a trans person in my family,” Kelly said, adding that there was a person identifying as transgender in her husband’s family, too. “So it was actually extremely tumultuous … and I had real sympathy for this person.”
“I could see how much turmoil it was bringing into their life,” she added. “And I was defensive of the trans community on the air. And I had a sort of infamous moment with Dr. Keith Ablow, who attacked Cher’s child, Chaz Bono, formerly Chastity.”
Kelly said Ablow warned it could become a “social contagion,” a warning that turned out to be prescient.
The former Fox News host said she’s now crossed the “rubicon,” and gone from telling Ablow to be tolerant, to an “activist” against those invading girls’ spaces.
“Like, get out, get out of our swimming pools, get out of our locker rooms, get off of our track meets, get out of there,” Kelly said. “We’ll find an accommodation for you. Hopefully you’ll get the help you need. But we are not surrendering girlhood or womanhood to you and your mental issues.”
Shapiro observed that when society “declares something heroic, you will get more of it.”
“And so the breakdown of the intermediate institutions of society here, I talk about church or family, that’s going to devastate this entire generation,” he said, noting a recent study about the shockingly high risk of suicide in young girls.
On the topic of the destruction of culture, Kelly pointed to people like Kim Kardashian and the rest of her family. She admitted she doesn’t think the “Kardashian is an evil person in her heart.”
“It’s not about whether she intends evil,” the former NBC host said. “But just the other day, Jocko Willink, you know, famed Navy SEAL like the baddest bada** ever put out a short little video on Instagram and it basically said, ‘I want to talk to 13, 15, 17 year old boys.'”
“And he said, ‘I don’t know if anybody’s telling you what to do like we’re supposed to do at 13?'” she added. “He said, ‘Work out, put on some muscle, you know, learn how to fight any kind of fight, you know, martial arts, be able to defend yourself if you need it. Don’t drink or do drugs. Those things are bad for you.'”
“So that’s Jocko,” Kelly continued. “And then you’ve got Kim Kardashian, who is like, ‘look at my a**, look at my boobs. Look at me and don’t bother listening to me. Just look at me.'”
“I can’t stand what she’s doing to our culture. It’s not just her,” Kelly continued. “It’s really her whole family, but just that general personality and the messaging to our daughters in particular. … All of it is so abhorrent to me.”
The entire conversation can be seen here.