Republican lawmakers waylaid by camera-wielding activists on Capitol Hill over the past several months have used the encounters to declare their support of Israel and put Hamas on blast.
The far-left group Code Pink caught up with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and asked him if he would call for a ceasefire in Gaza, where Israeli forces are fighting to root out Hamas following the group’s terrorist attack last October.
“On the contrary. Are you filming this?” Rubio said. “I want you guys to get this: I want them to destroy every element of Hamas they can get their hands on,” the senator said, speaking to the camera. “These people are vicious animals who did horrifying crimes, and I hope you guys post that.”
Amazingly said. Well done Senator @marcorubio 👏🏻
— 𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎ (@NiohBerg) November 30, 2023
Rubio also said Hamas should stop “hiding behind” civilians and blamed the group “100%” for the deaths of people caught in the crossfire.
Another video, posted by the Daily Caller’s Henry Rogers, showed Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) chide a group of protesters speaking out about Gaza.
JUST NOW: “You guys are crazy” –@repjimbanks to pro-Hamas protesters swarming the Capitol today: @DailyCaller
— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) March 7, 2024
“You guys are crazy,” Banks said.” You should go home.”
In a Code Pink video, Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) delivered a forceful response to a group of people who pressed him on Gaza.
“Let me make it clear. Israel is our ally, will always be our ally, and they are not guilty of genocide, and I will support Israel forever,” he said.
As the clash went on, Fleischmann said, “Goodbye to Palestine.” He also insisted, “The Jewish people will never suffer again under Palestinian terrorism, under Hamas, under Hezbollah. Israel will be secure forever!”
Women, children, and men in Gaza are being starved and massacred by American-backed Israeli forces everyday, and this Congressman says: "Goodbye Palestine" @codepink
— Medea Benjamin (@medeabenjamin) March 6, 2024
After the exchange, Fleischmann shared a statement that said he was “confronted by anti-American, pro-Hamas, Leftist protesters who support the destruction of Israel.” He added, “Tennesseans and Americans nationwide are fed up with this small, antisemitic movement that refuses to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist and defend itself.”
The United States of America will always stand together with Israel and against evil radical terrorists and their supporters!
— Chuck Fleischmann (@RepChuck) March 7, 2024
Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), who lost both his legs while serving in Afghanistan, shared what he had to say to Code Pink in a video edited to have classical music playing in the background, creating a juxtaposition to the shouting of insults and expletives by one woman.
The lawmaker is seen calmly addressing the activists. He said he would “absolutely not” support a ceasefire and offered assurances that he would not let their taxpayer dollars go to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which has alleged links to Hamas terrorists.
Hey @CodePink, do you know where we stand with terrorists? We stand on their throats.
— Rep. Brian Mast (@RepBrianMast) March 8, 2024
“Do you know where we stand on terrorists?” he asked at another point in the video. After getting accused of being a terrorist, Mast provided the answer himself: “We stand on their throats.”