When a Leftist German Green Party proposed a bill calling for gender diversity, a conservative politician responded hilariously by taking up almost three minutes of his allotted speaking time to address the 60 some-odd gender identifiers that may be listening at that moment in parliament.
“Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Steffen Königer arrived at the Brandenburg parliament to speak on a bill introduced by the Green Party which would ‘campaign for acceptance of gender and sexual diversity, self-determination, and against homo- and trans-phobia’ in the city of Brandenburg,” explains RT News. “It would also ‘give equal rights and societal equality for LGBTTQQ [lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans, two-spirit, queer, questioning] people in Brandenburg.'”
In the clip, Königer begins his address normally by saying, “Dear Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen…” He then brilliantly continued reading off a list of every conceivable gender that the opposition party believes are real.
According to the video’s description, these gender labels are “straight from Facebook’s Gender option list”:
Gentlemen, ladies, agender, androgyne, androgynous, bigender, cisgender, cis female, cis male, cis men, cis women, cisgender females, cisgender males, cisgender men, cisgender women, females to males, FTM, gender fluid, gender nonconforming, gender questioning, gender variant, genderqueer, intersex, males to females, MTF, neither, neutrois, non-binary, other, pangender, trans, trans*, trans females, trans* females, trans males, trans* males, trans men, trans* men, trans people, trans* people, trans women, trans* women, transfeminine, transgender, transgender females, transgender males, transgender men, transgender people, transgender women, transmasculine, transsexual, transsexual females, transsexual males, transsexual men, transsexual people, transsexual women, people of spirit, womyn, womyn*, two-spirit, three-spirit, four-spirit, Other
A minute into it, the parliament’s president asks if Königer “would allow an interposed question” – to which he promptly shuts him down with “I’m not done with my introduction yet, Mr. President, sorry.”
Finally Königer makes it to the end and then delivers his statement: “The AfD party rejects your proposal. Thank you.”
The YouTube video’s poster, “Face of a dying Nation” gives the perspective held by many on the right in Germany:
The Gender insanity has reached critical levels in Germany: Soon it may become a hate-crime to imply that there are only two genders as it has already become for opposing mass immigration.
Every paper, letter or official statement has to be “gendered” by including additional symbols for two or more genders to avoid discrimination accusations, for example “Sehr geehrte(r) Herr/Frau”, “Sehr geehrte Student*innen” or “Sehr geehrte Studierende” (new Neutral form) is used to address males or females and students respectively rather than using the terminology that was common for centuries.
This is considered by many as an attack on the German language as well as poisoning to the minds of schoolchildren and university students. Much-needed funds for infrastructure are allocated to discuss the need for 3rd bathrooms and rewriting government templates to be gender-conform, possibly costing millions each.
Children in as early as 4th grade are subjected to explicit sex education, including homosexuality and trans-sexuality. Parents are afraid to speak up in fear of being called homophobe.