On Friday, Sen. Ted Cruz, (R-TX) appeared on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” where he blasted the move House Democrats are making toward impeaching President Trump, calling it a three-ring circus. Cruz began by snapping, “Washington is always a circus, but this is three rings with all the clowns and it’s nuts right now.” Cruz also had a hilarious analogy describing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, pushed by leftists in her party, announcing Democrats would pursue impeachment proceedings. Cruz quipped, “Watching her, it almost reminded me of a hostage video; she was blinking SOS.”
After beginning by noting the three-ring circus, Cruz continued::
And it’s driven at the end of the day — Congressional Democrats are angry. They’re angry about the 2016 election and ultimately they’re angry at the voters. They’re angry that the voters elected President Trump. All of this, from day one, from day one they have been wanting to get this president out of office, and as a result they’re not doing the job. They’re not actually interested in legislating; they’re not actually interested in working together to produce more jobs and raise wages and expand opportunity; it’s just about attacking the president.
What we have seen from the Democrats is a consistent and relentless push to impeach regardless of the facts. So for months and months and months it was all about Mueller. Mueller, Mueller, Mueller, Mueller’s going to prove everything’s wrong. Then the Mueller report came along and it found no collusion, and suddenly all the Democrats who had been screaming “Impeach!” — they had nothing to say. Now, right now, they’re all screaming “Ukraine! Ukraine! Ukraine!” and now, oddly enough, it’s the exact same conclusion: Impeach the president. And by the way, in a month or two, it’s liable to be something else. It’s not driven by facts.
Cruz stated, “I’ve read the transcript carefully; I’ve read the whistle-blower complaint, so-called whistleblower complaint. I’ve gotta say: the transcript sure didn’t live up to its billing. Just a few days ago the Democrats were breathlessly on TV saying, ‘You’re gonna see an illegal quid pro quo and it’s gonna prove that.’ Well, you look at the transcript and there’s no illegal quid pro quo in that transcript. The president is asking another foreign leader to assist in investigating, number one: election interference into 2016. Now that investigating election interference into 2016 is a perfectly legitimate and appropriate law enforcement priority that — the Democrats have been talking non-stop about Russian interference; I’m not sure why they somehow think Ukrainian interference shouldn’t be examined.”
Later, Cruz added, “The Democrats, starting on Election day, there was like this primal scream — look, we all remember watching and you could see the newscasters on other networks that — I think there’s no mystery for whom they voted in 2016. You could see their look of shock and anger and that anger has never receded.”
Asked about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi intimating that the move toward impeachment was not politically driven, Cruz answered, “Let me just say two things about that: one, watching Speaker Pelosi, I think Nancy understands that impeachment is a train wreck for the Democrats. She has been trying to hold back the hordes. And you know, watching her, it almost reminded me of a hostage video; she was blinking SOS. Her extreme Left is angry; they’re marching in the street with pitchforks and torches. And Pelosi — the reason they’re going down the road of impeachment is that she doesn’t have any choice … her base is so filled with rage that sadly, I expect the next year, I don’t think the Pelosi House has any interest in any meaningful substantive legislation.”