Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden repeatedly coughed and struggled through multiple interviews on Tuesday, which were conducted from the comfort of his own home.
Grabien founder Tom Elliott created a supercut video of Biden’s struggles and repeated coughing during interviews that he had on CNN, MSNBC, and ABC.
“Have you been tested for the coronavirus?” CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Biden at the start of the clip
“No, I have not been tested for the coronavirus, uh, I’ve had, thank God, no symptoms that I’m aware of, that doesn’t mean that can’t happen,” Biden responded as he proceeded to cough throughout the remainder of the video.
At one point in the video Tapper had to call out Biden for coughing into his hand, which ignores the CDC’s recommendation that people cough into their elbows instead of their hands.
Biden, who has criticized President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus, said that it was not a big deal because he was “alone” in his “home.”
During an interview on ABC’s “The View,” Biden struggled to make a coherent statement about curing the coronavirus, saying, “We have to take care of the cure, that will make the problem worse no matter what.”
During an interview on MSNBC, Biden, who had to repeatedly clear his throat, was showered with praise by leftist Nicolle Wallace.
“Why doesn’t he just act like a president,” Biden said. “That’s a stupid way to say it– sorry.”
“Go ahead,” Wallace responded.
“No, no, it’s probably best I don’t,” Biden responded.
Biden Coughs, Acts Confused, Throughout ABC/CNN/MSNBC Interviews
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 24, 2020
The Daily Wire highlighted some of Biden’s left-wing policy views in a profile piece last year:
Health Care: Along with Obama, Biden helped oversee the 2010 passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act — also known as Obamacare. Obamacare radically reshaped the individual market for health insurance, infamously included a tax/mandate to purchase health insurance, and generally dramatically expanded the role of government in the regulation and provision of health care. There is likely no Obama/Biden agenda item that conservatives have more consistently opposed than Obamacare. Biden has never indicated any willingness to structurally reform fiscally ruinous health care-related entitlement programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid. As part of his 2020 presidential nomination platform, Biden has claimed opposition to “Medicare for All.”
Immigration: Biden voted for the George W. Bush-era Secure Fence Act of 2006, but has also consistently supported amnesty policies throughout his career — including the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 and the failed “Gang of Eight” immigration bill in 2013. Biden served as vice president when Obama issued two major unilateral executive amnesties, DACA in 2012 and DAPA in 2014 — each of which has been fiercely opposed by conservatives and has been challenged in high-profile lawsuits.
Foreign Policy: Biden has cultivated a largely dovish foreign policy profile, although he did vote in favor of authorizing the Iraq War in 2003. As vice president, Biden was a leading proponent for and cheerleader of President Obama’s 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran — a deal which flushed the terror-supporting mullahs’ coffers with cash and did not place any restrictions whatsoever on Iran’s non-nuclear ballistic missile program. During his 2008 presidential campaign, Biden pushed hard for a solution to the Iraqi quagmire that divided the troubled nation into discrete Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish semi-autonomous sections. Although a self-described friend of Israel, Biden has often been harshly critical of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian-Arabs and allegedly once threatened to cut off U.S. aid to Israel. Along with Obama, Biden as vice president took steps to loosen the U.S.’s longstanding embargo on Cuba, although the U.S. received no tangible concessions from Cuba’s communist dictatorship before doing so.
Abortion: Biden described himself as “personally pro-life” while nonetheless believing that Roe v. Wade was correctly decided and that women have a constitutional right to abortion. For decades, Biden supported the Hyde Amendment — which prohibits federal funding of abortion — but flipped his position in 2019 to appease the hard-left Democratic activists who now comprise the base of the party.
Guns: Biden was a leading proponent and sponsor of the federal “assault weapons” ban, a subset of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Throughout his career, he has generally been supportive of curtailing Second Amendment rights. Biden has also supported mandating five-day waiting periods for gun purchases, as well as closing the alleged “gun show loophole.” Biden supports a ban on the undefinable sub-class of firearms referred to as so-called “assault weapons” — a line of thought that, if taken to its logical conclusion, could lead to the banning of all semi-automatic firearms in America.