Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) smeared and mocked Rush Limbaugh, who is battling stage 4 lung cancer, on Tuesday night in response to President Donald Trump awarding the famous conservative talk radio host with the Presidential Medal of Freedom during the State of the Union Address. Later in her remarks, which were posted to Instagram, Ocasio-Cortez expressed anger that Trump was standing up to socialism and suggested that Trump’s outreach to the black community was indicative of some sort of conspiracy, which she could not elaborate on.
The most vicious remarks that Ocasio-Cortez made centered around Limbaugh, a famed talk radio host, who revealed this week that he had been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.
Ocasio-Cortez smeared Limbaugh as being a “virulent racist,” while offering zero proof to substantiate her claims, and claimed that his reaction to receiving the award was “disingenuous.”
Ocasio-Cortez later said that Limbaugh, while visibly looking ill from the cancer, was a “joke,” needed an “Oprah moment,” and was “nauseating.”
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez viciously *mocks* Rush Limbaugh, who has stage 4 lung cancer, calls his reaction to being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom "disingenuous"
Says that he, while having cancer, was a "joke," needed an "Opera moment," and was "nauseating"
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 5, 2020
Later, Ocasio-Cortez expressed anger that Trump was sounding the alarm against and fighting back against socialism and far-left Democrats like her who are attempting to implement socialism in the Unite States.
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is angry that Trump is fighting back against her far-left agenda of trying to implement socialism in the U.S.
AOC deflects by claiming that Trump is "introducing fascism, um, into the United States"
That is not true
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 5, 2020
Later in the Instagram live video, which was 30 minutes long, Ocasio-Cortez claimed that Trump “has started giving out cash to black Americans at his rallies” and that he was being “extraordinarily deliberate” in trying to reach out to minority communities.
Ocasio-Cortez tried to suggest that it was a part of a conspiracy, saying, “it’s being done with a very specific agenda.”
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claims that Trump "has started giving out cash to black Americans at his rallies"
She later suggests that Trump's "deliberately" trying to win over blacks and minorities and it's a conspiracy "being done with a very specific agenda"
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 5, 2020
Transcript of Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks about Trump’s outreach to minority communities:
I think again Trump knows exactly what he is doing, um, he has started, Donald Trump has started giving out cash to black Americans at his rallies, um, this whole State of the Union was like a game show where he was handing out prizes and surprises and reality tv moments and um, and this is exactly his political agenda and this is, it’s not just for political reasons but one of the reasons why I find it so frustrating that the rights of people of color are constantly negotiated and on the chopping block in politics in general is this is one of the concerns because when suddenly the rights of immigrants are controversial or issues pertaining to black Americans are controversial, but issues facing white Americans are not controversial and they are bread and butter issues, this is what starts to happen in our political discourse. And I think that um, we need to be very careful about this, um, because it’s extraordinarily deliberate and it’s being done with a very specific agenda, um, that this also is in line with the fact that Trump decided to make a kind of bogus criminal justice reform advertisement in the Super Bowl. He’s being very deliberate in trying to look like he’s being great for, um, the black community, for communities of color, etc.
Transcript of Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks about Rush Limbaugh:
“First of all, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is an extraordinarily scared, um, award. We’re talking about putting someone on the same level as Rosa Parks, you know, for example in terms of their contributions to American progress. Rush Limbaugh is a virulent racist, um, but even just on top of that, um, to do it in the middle of a State of the Union and not even dignify it with its own ceremony as it has, there’s all sorts of norms that are being violated, not just for people’s humanity, but also it truly just cheapens the value of it. Um, also him pretending to be surprised was such a joke that this has been news all day, there have been multiple reports from multiple news outlets saying that Rush Limbaugh was going to receive the Medal of Freedom and then Trump announced it and he had to like pretend that this was some kind of Oprah moment, um, was so disingenuous and to do that and to give it to Rush Limbaugh when there were plenty of people in that audience that have contributed positively to the fabric of American society, much more frankly, than he has, um. You know, but it’s red meat to his base, Trump knows what he is doing and he wants to assert that Rush Limbaugh is somehow on the same level as Rosa Parks, um, and it’s truly nauseating.”
This report has been updated.