On Thursday, Al Sharpton, attempting to vilify Border Patrol agents at the southern border of the United States, saying they used “slave-like” actions when dealing with the massive number of illegal immigrants in Del Rio, Texas, held a press conference at the Haitian migrant camp in Del Rio, where Texans bitterly condemned him, heckling him for not speaking of children missing at the border and snapping. “We denounce your racism and your hatred. Get out of Texas! Get out of Texas!”
As Sharpton started his tirade by introducing some of the entourage accompanying him, Texans yelled, “Where’s the rest of your Democratic party at? Where’s the support?” “Why are you not being the voice of the children missing at the borders? 40% of children that have come in unaccompanied are now missing from the border. Kids are being sedated at the U.S. border. Why are you not being a voice for the children?”
Sharpton continued introducing other members of his constituency, as Texans shouted, “How much money you making out of this?” “Why are you trying to come and provoke violence? Why are you here advocating for violence?” “Del Rio is not a racist city. Del Rio is a loving, caring community! We don’t want your racism in Texas!”
Sharpton launched into his rant, saying:
We went for an hour and toured the place that we feel is a real catastrophic and human disgrace as people around this world watch the Border Patrol use slave-like — police mounted on horses. It compelled us to come and show our voices and our presence. The Trump supporters and the right-wingers can scream all they want.
We’re going to continue to come back; we’re going to stand with our people to make sure that asylum is treated one way and one manner, and we will continue to come back over and over again. For people to be treated like this in a inhumane way and for people to feel that they can use weaponization of horses to treat human beings should be resisted. So they can have all the hecklers they want; they should do all they can. We will keep coming back as long as is necessary.
Sharpton called for an investigation of the Border Patrol, sniping, “We want to see the Border Patrol fully investigated; we want those who were involved to face justice and we want to see full asylum rights given to those who deserve it like anyone else in this country that enters this country. We cannot have a double standard at the border; we will not tolerate it; we will not have it, and we will not be silent about it.”
Meanwhile, Texans targeted Sharpton by yelling:
We do not want your nonsense. This is a loving community. We denounce your racism and your hatred. Get out of Texas. Get out of Texas.
You are wrong! You are wrong!
The Border Patrol are heroes! Get out of here!
I don’t trust y’all as far as I can throw y’all. You are all puppets. You cannot lead if you don’t have a leader in the White House.
Stop with the race-baiting. Del Rio will not succumb to your nonsense. Del Rio is not a racist community.
Del Rio denounces your hatred and bigotry!