On Tuesday, after he was interviewed by Lesley Stahl of CBS News, President Trump took a new step in holding the mainstream media’s feet to the fire, tweeting that he was considering releasing the tape of the full interview prior to airtime so that the public could see it in full before the network selectively edited it.
President Trump tweeted: “I am pleased to inform you that, for the sake of accuracy in reporting, I am considering posting my interview with Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes, PRIOR TO AIRTIME! This will be done so that everybody can get a glimpse of what a FAKE and BIASED interview is all about. Everyone should compare this terrible Electoral Intrusion with the recent interviews of Sleepy Joe Biden!”
…Everyone should compare this terrible Electoral Intrusion with the recent interviews of Sleepy Joe Biden!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 20, 2020
Over the years, there have been numerous instances where the mainstream media has selectively edited or distorted what Trump has said, lending credence to his argument for releasing the full Stahl interview tape.
For example, the Media Research Council accused CNN of deceptively editing what Trump said about protecting the LGBTQ community after the massacre at the Pulse nightclub.
As far back as September 2016, when Trump was still a presidential candidate, after he spoke to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly about terrorism and appropriate U.S. precautions, CNN blazed across their chyron, “Trump Says ‘Racial Profiling’ Will Stop Terror.”
But Trump never spoke of “racial profiling” during the exchange, only “profiling.” In fact, he hadn’t even used the phrase “racial profiling” and went after O’Reilly for singling out “Muslims” instead of behavior and geography. “You said Muslims, Bill, not me,” said Trump.
In November 2017, CNN, cherry-picking a Trump quote, headlined a story: “Trump asks Japan to build cars in the U.S. It already does.” CNN wrote, “Japanese automakers have tried: The country’s big three car companies already have huge factories in the U.S., and their production in the country is at a record high.”
As The Daily Wire noted:
In fact, Trump is aware — and a full reading of his speech indicates that he might actually be more aware than CNN. According to Trump’s full remarks, the President not only acknowledged a U.S.-Japanese partnership in auto manufacturing, he specifically praised several automakers present for their stateside production, He even thanks two automakers by name for their American production plans (emphasis ours).
Even The Washington Post slammed CNN, writing, “[T]his is completely unfair to Trump. A look at this fuller remarks makes clear he did know that Japanese cars are built in the United States. He even talked about it at-length and praised the manufacturers for the amount of jobs they’ve created here.”
In April 2019, media members such as CNN’s Ana Navarro and MSNBC’s Joy Reid implied that Trump had referred to illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers as “animals.” A deceptively-edited video clip claimed Trump had done so, when in fact he had referred to members of the notoriously hyper-violent MS-13 street gang.