Megyn Kelly said that women were “sold a bill of goods” when it comes to the transgender movement, arguing that men have invaded women’s protected spaces and things have gone “too far.”
During the Sirius XM “The Megyn Kelly Show” podcast, the host and Daily Mail columnist Maureen Callahan talked about the latest “insane trans news” involving a biological male trans Darren Glines who has escaped criminal charges of indecent exposure after a judge ruled the trans-identifying male was “too fat” to have flashed his penis at females in an Ohio YMCA locker room.
“I just think that too much of this, they’ve pushed us too far,” Kelly said. “Because they sold us a bill of goods. ‘This is about being kind. This is gonna be about compassion … oh the poor children who are confused. Don’t be such an a**hole, be supportive.'”
“And we were,” she added. “We were and it was like the camel’s nose, because once we saw, the entire camel is now under the tent. And it looks like that Darren Glines. The camel needs to get out.”
“You see Darren Glines coming at you in the ladies room, there’s not a person alive who wouldn’t say ‘get him out of here, he doesn’t belong, that’s a man, ‘” the former Fox News host continued. Shen then noted other stories like the one involving sorority girls of a Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter suing their organization after it forced them to allow a biological male trans as a member into their house who’s now been accused of “lewd and lascivious behaviors” against them.
Kelly previously got fired up on her show, calling on ladies to “find your voices” and issuing a dire warning to women over continuing to allow trans-identifying men into women spaces.
“If we don’t find our voices and start speaking up against this nonsense, we can kiss every woman’s space goodbye!” Kelly shouted. “We can kiss women’s rights goodbye.”
“We can kiss sororities goodbye,” she added. “We can take off our tops and our underwear and do our yoga in front of perverted men who just want to get off watching us ’til the cows come home. Stick your daughter in the sorority, let ’em at her.”
“Find your voices, ladies — and the men who support us,” Kelly continued. “Otherwise, this is our future. I’m sorry. I’m done. I’m done. I don’t want to deal with this s*** at Tri Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, in the women’s locker room. You can be supportive of trans people and what they’re going through without surrendering to this madness!”