To modify a phrase, the Left’s favorite culture war battle is always the next one. Never content with winning, they do not stop in their goal of dismantling every traditional value and norm. Their goal is total domination.
This was evident yet again on Tuesday at the White House. If you watched President Joe Biden‘s celebration of the “Respect for Marriage” act on Tuesday, you noticed a large amount of rhetoric and fanfare which had nothing to do with the union of man and woman — or any combination of the two sexes.
For example, Biden said at the event, “We need to challenge the hundreds of callous, cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need.”
In other words, the implication is that you can only support LGBTQ rights if you support transgender surgeries for children — even if you voted for the “Respect for Marriage” act as dozens of Republicans did.
To any decent person, that standard makes no sense. What does marriage have to do with mutilating kids?
Nothing really — at least not on the surface. But that’s because liberals are always aiming for more than they admit.
Consider that throughout the debate of the law in question, Americans were told that it only had to do with marriage. Conservatives who opposed the bill — often on religious liberty grounds — were browbeaten by leftists and their media allies and called homophobic bigots.
Then, as soon as the bill is about to be signed, Biden admits that actually, this entire movement is about much more than respecting marriage: It’s about radical gender theory — though he would never use that term. Instead, he — or more precisely, his handlers — hide it behind terms such as “healthcare,” “gender-affirming care,” and sometimes “gender policies.”
Off-the-cuff comments and video evidence from the president point to the fact that he has no idea what “gender policies” even mean.
“What do you say to Americans who disagree with your gender policies?” a reporter asked Biden in October.
“My gender policies?” a surprised Biden said in response as if the journalist were asking whether he prefers men or women in his love interests.
“Transgender policies like bathrooms, women’s sports, things like that,” the muckraker clarified.
“I stand by my policies” was all that Biden could muster in response.
Reporter: "What do you say to Americans who disagree with your gender policies?"
Biden: "My gender policies?"
Reporter: "Transgender policies like bathrooms, women’s sports, things like that."
Biden: "I stand by my policies."— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 21, 2022
So why does Biden go along with it all? Well, because he is a loyal footsoldier of the Democrat Party. He advocates whatever the party wants — which is why he’s their perfect president.
Individual thinking is frowned upon amongst collectivists. The president has shown no desire to buck the party, and he certainly wouldn’t well into his senior years.
So why the need for the president to mention anything unrelated to the “Respect for Marriage” bill?
Because the Left only support causes so that they can open up doors for their next goal.
That characteristic is not limited to ideas about sex and gender.
To further the point, it was only ten years ago the Left was demanding amnesty for only children brought into the U.S. illegally. The children weren’t at fault, they’re innocent, they’d argue. Republicans essentially won that battle, or have worked to help Democrats. Now, the Left is demanding amnesty for all illegal immigrants.
Similarly, having secured the victory in changing the institution of marriage — a cornerstone of society — they’re engaged in a full-on battle to redefine man and woman. They’re targeting minors across America to do so.
What comes after that, who knows, but rest assured the Left already has something in mind because that is how they operate. They are already thinking about how to win the next cultural battle.
The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.