The federal government’s criminal investigation into Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, is reportedly gaining steam. As prosecutors begin seeking key grand jury testimony, new information appears to indicate the president himself may be linked to his son’s scheme.
In 2018, the Department of Justice launched a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden that centered on potential money laundering, tax fraud, the violation of foreign lobbying laws and more.
At the center of the investigation was whether Hunter used his father’s position in the U.S. government over the last decade to secure millions of dollars in fraudulent overseas business deals. Evidence appears to show Hunter flaunted access to his father as a means of securing meetings and permits.
Now, the growing question for investigators and the general public is whether President Biden himself was in on this, or at the very least, aware of it.
President Biden’s Potential Involvement
Indirectly, it appears Joe Biden’s position did play a role in helping his son secure deals. For example, when he was vice president, Joe Biden took Hunter with him on a trip to Asia on Air Force Two which included a stop in Shanghai where Hunter was attempting to open a private equity firm. Just ten days after that visit, Hunter secured a highly sought-after Chinese business license that allowed him to set up a fund there — something notoriously difficult for U.S. businessmen to secure.
Then in 2014, despite having no experience in the energy sector, Hunter infamously scored a million dollar a year gig with a Ukrainian energy company. At the time, Vice President Biden was in charge of America’s Ukraine policy.
The President has so far denied that either of those deals had anything to do with him, but new evidence seems to implicate him in some other stories as well.
For example, one text message that was confirmed to be authentic last week shows Hunter in 2019 complaining that he had to give “half his salary” to his father.
Peter Schweizer, the author of Red Handed, told The Daily Wire the implications are potentially criminal.
“Hunter Biden was getting money from these overseas deals. He was paying some of his father’s monthly bills, but. He was also paying for things like renovations on his father’s home in Delaware, et cetera. That’s patently illegal in the United States.”
“Politicians can’t be subsidized by family members. And the fact that the money came from overseas of course means that, uh, that has further implications,” he added.
The DOJ investigation is also reportedly looking into a 2017 email that showed one of Hunter Biden’s business partners outlining the proposed distribution for equity in the aforementioned Chinese company, saying “10 held by H for the big guy.”
That email got the attention of the grand jury investigating Hunter, and reportedly led them to ask at least one confidential witness to reveal the identity of “the big guy.”
The President’s Response
While the President has done his best to avoid talking about the matter, his staff has routinely adamantly denied that he had anything to do with the alleged scheme, and in past weeks, they’ve begun to further distance themselves from Hunter Biden.
Ron Klain, the current White House Chief of Staff, says the President was “confident that his son didn’t break the law.” He went on to call them “private matters” that “don’t involve the President” and “certainly are something that no one at the White House is involved in.”
But according to a new report from Fox News, Klain himself has previously asked Hunter Biden for money. In 2012, Klain reportedly emailed Hunter asking for help raising $20,000 for the Vice President’s Residence Foundation, a group that furnishes the Vice President’s residence. Klain reportedly told Hunter that he wanted to “keep it low key” to prevent “bad pr.”
The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.