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Shapiro Tells Megyn Kelly: Lewandowski and Trump are ‘Thugs’

On Thursday night, Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro had a few words of his own for Donald Trump and his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, calling them “thugs” on The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly after Lewandowski had allegedly assaulted Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields and Trump’s campaign denied the incident ever occurred,

David Wohl, an attorney and Trump supporter, appeared opposite Shapiro to defend Lewandowski and the Trump campaign.

Kelly played a videotape of Fields as she was interviewed by ABC News, then added audio Politico had released that recorded the conversation between Fields and the Washington Post’s Ben Terris that immediately followed the incident.

Shapiro, who also serves as editor-at-large for Breitbart, minced no words when Kelly queried him. She began by asking him about where Breitbart stood vis-a-vis Fields, stating, “Breitbart’s been all over the map when it comes to whether it should defend its reporter or defend Mr. Trump. In the end, you tell me where they stand tonight and I know you don’t speak for them in this particular capacity.”

Shapiro replied bluntly, “I’m not going to speak for management. I’m not privy to those decisions. My understanding is the statement released by Larry Solov, who’s the CEO, has called for the Trump campaign to apologize, for Corey Lewandowski to apologize. I personally feel that’s wildly insufficient. They should be calling for Lewandowski to be fired. If this had been Robby Mook dragging Michelle Fields down to the ground, there’s no question they’d be calling for Lewandowski, or Robby Mook in this case, to be fired. It’s ridiculous.”

Robby Mook is Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager.

Kelly then asked Shapiro how he felt about Lewandowski’s claims that Fields was an “attention seeker.”

Shapiro blasted:

Corey Lewandowski is a thug and Donald Trump is a thug for backing him…This has been a verified account. There’s a report in The Daily Beast this morning that Corey Lewandowski specifically went to Matt Boyle over at Breitbart, a guy I know, and said to Matt Boyle that if he’d known it was a Breitbart reporter, he wouldn’t have done it. As though that’s justification. As though you can go after somebody who’s not a Breitbart reporter just because Breitbart is friendlier to Trump than other publications? The whole thing’s absurd. And the fact that the Trump campaign continues to play this game, where they put out what’s not just violent rhetoric but in this case, a campaign manager engaging in allegedly violent action, and then they won’t even step down to apologize; it’s beyond disgusting. It’s just gross.

Wohl then implied Fields had lied, complaining, “This whole thing from the beginning doesn’t look good to me. The reality is there were dozens of people around. No one apparently saw it other than this one Washington post reporter. There were 100 cameras, none of them caught anything?”

Kelly asked, “Were they acting when they had that exchange on tape?”

Wohl turned the whole story on its head, saying Trump was the victim in the scenario: “Trump is under attack on multiple levels. On political, economic, social and a personal level. And this is a way to get at him…if it is a real, legitimate assault or battery, you file a police report, you don’t tweet it out and then 36 hours later, you tweet out pictures of bruises and you say, ‘Lewandowski caused it.’”

Shapiro decided he had heard enough, firing back:

This is disgusting. How repulsive are you people? I had a conversation with Michelle for an hour last night where she told me this whole story. I did encourage her to go to the police. She was two hours from the police station. She has work to do today. You’ll have to ask her why she didn’t go to the police because I strongly urged her to go and file a police report and I still think that she should. There’s no statute of limitations as far as filing a police report within 24 hours, last time I checked. But the fact is this, the fact is, she went silent on social media for almost 24 hours. And if the suggestion is that Breitbart News is out to get Trump. Have you ever seen Breitbart News? Have you ever viewed its front page?

He added ironically, “Only the Washington Post is out to get him.”

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