On Thursday’s episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Shapiro talks about the Ukraine Scandal, and John Brennan’s recent appearance on MSNBC. Video and partial transcript below:
President Trump has been going hard after Biden. Yesterday, he tweeted what is one of the funniest tweets of his presidency. He tweeted, “LOOK AT THE PICTURE” and used a Nickelback video to do so. Twitter has now pulled it down for copyright infringement, which is just ridiculous — it’s obviously satire. It’s a clip of Joe Biden explaining that he’s never spoken to his own son about overseas business dealings, juxtaposed with a picture of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and a Ukrainian gas official all golfing together.
REPORTER: Have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?
BIDEN: I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.
Okay, that’s pretty spectacular. That is some grade-A presidential tweet trolling. Trump didn’t bother with the Nickelback references yesterday in the presser, he just said Biden and his son are stone-cold crooked. Now, let’s be real about this: Hunter Biden probably is stone-cold crooked. Okay, I don’t know about Joe. When you are a famous person, there are lots of hangers-on who probably try to use your name to get access in high places. The fact is that Hunter Biden, who is basically a failure in everything he has ever tried, was getting paid $50,000 a month to be on the board of the Ukrainian gas company. You can’t imagine it’s because of his expertise in oil and natural gas.
It probably has a lot more to do with the fact that his daddy was VP of the United States. Is that on Joe Biden? I mean, not really. Lots of people are sympathetic toward their own kids. President Trump is sympathetic toward his own kids. With that said, does that exonerate Joe Biden? Not really. Here’s Trump going after them:
REPORTER: What do you want to know about Biden? What do you want him to look into on Biden?
TRUMP: Look, Biden and his son are stone-cold crooked, and you know it. His son walks out with millions of dollars. The kid knows nothing. You know it, and so do we. Go ahead, ask a question now.
REPORTER: The question, sir was, what did you want President Zelenksy to do about Vice President Biden and his son Hunter?
TRUMP: Are you talking to me?
You talking to me? I’m walking here! In any case, the Democrats are trying to downplay all of this obviously. So John Brennan — who is the head of the CIA while he was in the Obama administration and proceeded to spend two years again claiming that there would be undisclosed information linking President Trump to Vladimir Putin demonstrating that he was, in fact, a traitor — now he’s like, I don’t want to look at the 2016 election anymore. Why are we even looking at the 2016 election?
So just to get this straight: For two long years, all the Democrats wanted to talk about was corruption in the 2016 election. Now when Trump raises the question about whether there is Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election — again, based on published reports in places like Politico — John Brennan’s like, we probably shouldn’t. Ehh, should we look into that? Nah, nothing to see here, nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the John Brennan behind the curtain.
BRENNAN: William Barr, you know when he was testifying from Congress, he said he didn’t understand the predication of the counterintelligence investigation that was launched into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. I don’t understand the predication of this worldwide effort to try to uncover dirt, either real or imagined, that would discredit that investigation in 2016 and into Russian interference. You know, on the one hand, the Obama restoration is crucified for not doing enough, and now, they’re looking for what we might have done in order to try to understand better and to prevent the Russian interference.
Well, no. I mean, John Brennan contradicts himself seven ways from Sunday in this clip alone, right? He says William Barr went out there and said, why are we investigating Russia? Well, why are we investigating Ukraine? Well you wanted Russia investigated, so actually the hypocrisy here is you. You wanted to investigate certain foreign interference into the election, but not other foreign interference in the election. He said, well we were criticized for not doing enough, and now they’re saying that we did too much.
Well no, they’re wondering if you launched an investigation under false auspices, then that would make a difference. If you’re talking about the use of public dollars for electioneering, it seems to me that if it turns out that the Trump-Russia investigation was launched on false premises in order to get Trump, that makes a difference. And if it turns out that the Obama administration or the Hillary campaign were coordinating with the Ukrainians, that seems like that would be impactful as well, especially if you want to prevent future interference in elections.
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