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SHAPIRO: The Commanding Heights Of Hollywood Now Hate Dave Chappelle
Dave Chappelle At The Grammy Awards 2018
Christopher Polk/Staff via Getty Images for NARAS

On Wednesday’s episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Shapiro talks about Dave Chappelle’s new “politically incorrect” Netflix special, “Sticks and Stones,” and the Left’s reaction. Video and partial transcript below:

So I don’t know if you’ve seen Chappelle’s new special, but it’s insanely politically incorrect. I mean incredibly so. He mocks his own audience for being too woke. There’s one point where he says, in the middle of the special, he says, “I’m going to do an imitation.” And then he says, “‘You tweeted something bad five years ago, and now I’m going to come after you and destroy your career.’ Who am I?” And everybody thinks, oh, well, you know, that’s the media. [But then] he says, “That’s you. That’s all of you.”

And that’s right. I mean Chappelle was correct about this. Chappelle also … specifically calls out the LGBTQ lobbying organizations for going after comedians trying to destroy their careers. And he specifically cites that Kevin Hart situation, very hilariously states that Kevin Hart — who[m] he’s known for years — is basically a perfect human, well “four tweets shy of perfect.” He talks about Kevin Hart’s career basically being destroyed, or at least significantly damaged, at the height of his career aspirations — that was the Oscars — by the woke-scolds.

And then he does a riff about abortion, and his riff about abortion ends up being kind of pro-life. And he says that he doesn’t care whether a woman has an abortion, but if the woman decides it’s the woman’s choice and only the woman’s choice, [then] men shouldn’t have to pay for the child support, which is a very common argument that is made by sorta cynical pro-lifers. And then he says, “Or maybe we have the logic of this whole thing entirely wrong.”

The Left has gone absolutely ape bleep about this. I mean, they have gone insane about this, and the critics hate this Chappelle special. Now Chappelle used to be the sort of consensus Best Comedian Living. And there are a lot of great comedians. Chappelle was loved by everybody; everybody enjoyed his routine. Now, however, he has done something very bad, and the reviewers are very, very angry about it. And so Chappelle must be punished.

Don’t you understand? The commanding heights of Hollywood must prevent the accession of people like Dave Chappelle because Dave Chappelle has crossed too many lines. Now, Dave Chappelle is intersectional, right? He is a black man, and this means that he also makes jokes about white people. They’re very, very harsh jokes about the heroin epidemic and white folks and all the rest of this. But he is a gun-toting black man who makes jokes about abortion and LGBTQ lobbying organizations, and this means he must be exorcised. And … the commanding heights of Hollywood have to be used on behalf of one particular point of view, and if they are not, then the woke-scolds in the media and in Hollywood will come after them.

So Dave Chappelle is now the target of these woke-scolds. So Vice reviewed Chappelle’s special like this:

But now he chooses to blatantly ignore the historic criticism against his style of comedy and new loud-and-clear criticism from the trans community.

Pace magazine calls his special “boring,” “hypocritical” and “out of touch” … Basically, he had, for a long time, a zero percent at Rotten Tomatoes from critics. Why? Because critics are no longer reviewing the quality of an act. Instead, they’re reviewing the wokeness of an act, which is how Hanna Gatsby was the least funny person who has ever lived. I mean, I’m talking about the least funny human being who has ever lived. There are human beings who live in caves, in isolation — who have never heard a joke and are not properly socialized — they’re more funny than Hannah Gatsby. She has 100 percent ratings on Rotten Tomatoes. Dave Chappelle was at 0 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Why? Because he violated the rules …

Inkoo Kang of Slate wrote:

Watching Dave Chappelle’s latter-day comedy specials — the most recent of which was released on Monday — is like dropping on a rascally uncle who doesn’t know, or doesn’t care, how much he’s disappointing you.

Alison Herman of The Ringer:

Like most of Chappelle’s recent output, Sticks and Stones is designed to generate inflammatory coverage, which will in turn generate a chance for Chappelle to dismiss said coverage as reductive, opportunistic, and generally out to get him. It’s a symbiotic cycle with no end in sight, and it’s become the last thing a beloved provocateur should ever want to be: predictable.

Okay, they are reviewing him for his proper acquiescence to the struggle-session, Maoist-Left views of comedy. He must be destroyed. He must be destroyed. It’s really … quite pathetic.

And now the audience reviews of the special are very high. People who like Chappelle like Chappelle, and people who don’t even watch Chappelle all that often are looking at this thing going, I can’t believe that dude said that out loud. But the fact is that Hollywood will not allow this sort of thing to go forward. And so Chappelle must be destroyed.

So Chappelle is now on the target list the same way that Kevin Hart was on the target list. It’s the same reason why you saw in the last 48 hours attempts by folks in Hollywood to try and out everybody in Beverly Hills who is going to a Trump fundraiser — because everyone must think alike or be excised. The commanding heights of the culture, the commanding heights of corporate America, and the commanding heights of politics must all be occupied by folks who agree with the Left.

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