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Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump; MSM Completely Ignores
Donald Trump became president on Jan. 20. And in one short month, there were more than 1,500 arrests for sex crimes ranging from trafficking to pedophilia.
Big deal? You bet. In all of 2014, there were fewer than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests, according to FBI crime statistics.
Liz Crokin at has put together a great piece on the push by the Trump administration to crack down on sex crimes. And she notes that while “this should be one of the biggest stories in the national news… the mainstream media has barely, if at all, covered any of these mass pedophile arrests. This begs the question – why?”
Of course, the answer is twofold: One, it would take away from the daily meme that Trump is owned by the Russians; and two, it would show that the president really meant what he said when he vowed to come to Washington and “drain the swamp.”
Plus, the surge in arrests shows that Trump is already getting a lot done, even in fewer than 50 days in office.
Trump had made sex trafficking a key issue, and his daughter, Ivanka, also wants to crack down on pedophiles and pimps. In 2012, Trump tweeted, “Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents – fast trial, death penalty.”
Crokin points out that Trump on Feb. 23 called sex trafficking a “dire problem.”
“Dedicated men and women across the federal government have focused on this for some time, as you know. A lot of you have been dealing with the federal government and it’s been much more focused over the last four weeks — I can tell you that,” he said at a “Listening Session on Domestic and International Human Trafficking.”
“I’ll direct the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies that have a role in preventing human trafficking to take a hard look at the resources and personnel that they’re currently devoting to this fight. Now, they are devoting a lot, but we’re going to be devoting more,” the president said.
Crokin lists a slew of arrests as Trump pushes to break up sex rings.
“As the MSM has ignored these historical arrests, they have zeroed in on casting conservative icon Milo Yiannopoulos as a monster. They claim he supports pedophilia based on comments he made in a video years ago,” she writes.
Milo told this column that once one realizes the MSM “cares nothing for real victims and only wants its ideological enemies destroyed, this behavior becomes intelligible. Journalists don’t care about children. They care about damaging their political enemies.” Milo is absolutely right. This is why we’ve heard nothing from the MSM about the mass sex trafficking arrests and this will continue unless a conservative can be targeted.
The good news is that we have a president who genuinely does care about children and he’s vowed to make solving the human trafficking epidemic a priority. The recent pedophile arrests are just the tip of the iceberg and, whether Tapper and his ilk in the MSM like it or not, this story will eventually get so big that they will be forced to cover this horrific epidemic that has plagued our country for too damn long.

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