On Tuesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) made a slip-up seemingly revealing the real reason Democrats are ramming clearly partisan impeachment proceedings down the nation’s throat: Trump, according to Democrats like Schiff, is an illegitimate president that was not supposed to win in 2016 and must be stopped before 2020.
“Schiff, a California Democrat, strongly suggested in a press conference Tuesday that Trump colluded with the Russians to undermine the 2016 election and win the White House,” The Washington Examiner posted, though a two-year investigation from special counsel Robert Mueller showed there was no highly-hyped “Russian collusion” with President Trump.
“The argument, ‘Why don’t you just wait?’, amounts to this: Why don’t you just let him cheat in one more election?” Schiff said Tuesday, fending off criticism that the Democrats are not actually concerned about the truth due to their rush with impeachment. “Why not let him have foreign help one more time?”
Schiff’s latest admission comes in the concert with fellow Democrats, at various times since Trump’s election, stating that their mission is to remove Trump from office because of his politics.
A recent RNC ad featured such voices, as laid out by The Daily Wire:
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY): “This is about preventing a potentially disastrous outcome from occuring next year.”
Dina Titus (NV): “I’d like to impeach the bastard right now.”
Adam Schiff (CA): “That charlatan in the White House.”
Nancy Pelosi (CA): “An imposter,” and “We cannot accept a second term for Donald Trump.”
Maxine Waters (CA): “He really should be punished,” and “ I am not running for anything except the impeachment of Trump.”
Rashida Tlaib (MI): “We’re gonna impeach the mother**ker.”
Al Green (TX): “If we don’t impeach this president, he will get reelected.”
Nancy Pelosi claims impeachment is not about politics.
Then why has she been conducting focus groups on it?
It’s ALL politics and her own caucus has admitted it! pic.twitter.com/mNME1RIuI0
— Ronna McDaniel (@RonnaMcDaniel) December 5, 2019
This comes in stark contrast with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claiming impeachment is a “somber” and “prayerful” process Democrats would rather not engage in.
The American people seemingly view the Democrats handling of impeachment proceedings as partisan, too, since post-impeachment inquiry polling shows good news for Trump.
As reported this week by The Daily Wire, a new Monmouth poll showed Trump to have a seven-point swing in his favor concerning the 2020 election post-impeachment inquiry. The president also cleaned up with Independents, polling double-digits higher than any of the Democratic presidential candidates looking to take him out in 2020.
Moreover, Firehouse Strategies presenting polling this week that shows Trump is now leading “every potential Democratic opponent in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, three of the Rust Belt states that helped deliver Trump’s electoral victory in 2016,” The Daily Wire noted.
“In a report published Sunday, Firehouse Strategies presented their new quarterly battleground polling results, and they were quite grim for Democrats. In a survey of 1,759 likely 2020 general election voters in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania conducted last week (12/3 through 12/5), the Firehouse/Optimus pollsters found that Trump was ‘surging’ as an apparent result of the Democrats’ impeachment effort — while Democratic frontrunner former Vice President Joe Biden is suffering a ‘sharp decline in support,’” the report outlined.
Related: WATCH: Brutal GOP Ad Exposes Democrats On Impeachment: ‘It’s All About Politics’