San Francisco salon owner Erica Kious says she’s shutting her doors following a coronavirus-regulations controversy involving Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) because the incident has brought her nothing but “negativity.”
Speaking to Fox News Wednesday, Kious, who owns the E Salon where a maskless Pelosi was filmed getting a blowout, prohibited by San Francisco’s coronavirus-related lockdown regulations, says she’s received an outpouring of hatred and it is destroying her business.
“I am actually done in San Francisco and closing my doors, unfortunately,” she announced on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight.
“I started to just get a ton of phone calls, text messages, emails, all my Yelp review…saying that they hope I go under and that I fail,” she said. “So just a lot of negativity towards my business.”
She now says she’s afraid to return to E Salon: “I’m actually afraid to go back. It’s a little scary and sad,” she told Carlson. “I do have a lot of positive calls and text messages from clients. But other than that, nothing but negativity.”
After a video emerged showing the Speaker, who has often noted that Americans — including President Donald Trump — are not taking the coronavirus threat seriously, walking around inside the salon without a mask on, Pelosi tried to turn the tables on Kious and E Salon, claiming she was the victim of a “set up,” and that she’d been invited by a stylist for a private salon service.
San Francisco permits salons to provide services outdoors only, and only then if clients are seen one at a time. Clients can only receive haircuts, not shampoos, blowouts, or color services. Pelosi, according to the Speaker herself, received a shampoo and a blowout.
After being caught, the Speaker refused to apologize for flouting the city’s coronavirus-related restrictions. She would only say that she was owed ad apology from the salon, which she claims walked her into a “set up.”
“So I take responsibility for falling for a setup. And that’s all I’m going to say on that,” Pelosi said, according to the Daily Wire. “I think that this salon owes me an apology, for setting me up. I take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that I’ve been to over the years many times, and when they said, ‘We’re able to accommodate people one person at a time.’ I trusted that.”
In an earlier interview with Carlson, Kious said the claim was “false.”
“There was no way I could’ve set that up,” Kious noted. “I’ve had a camera system in there for five years. I mean, I didn’t go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in and set her up. So that is absolutely false.”
Even though E Salon will shut its doors, Kious has other options. A GoFundMe page, set up to support Kious, has raised more than a quarter-million dollars, and Kious has had invitations from some Republican state governors, offering to help her set up shop in states with fewer restrictions and friendlier legislators.
RELATED: Salon Owner’s GoFundMe Raises $147k After Pelosi Controversy