A contractor working at CNN came forward on Monday and released videos that they recorded of CNN President Jeff Zucker appearing to admit that the network is pushing the agenda of the Democrat Party by making all their news coverage about “moves towards impeachment” and telling CNN employees that the only coverage he wants is “impeachment.”
The contractor, Cary Poarch, released the videos through James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, which has a history of releasing damaging video content of left-wing figures and organizations admitting a wide range of things that often conflict with what they say publicly.
“I decided to wear a hidden camera … to expose the bias running rampant,” Poarch said.
Poarch recorded CNN company meetings where Zucker appears to admit that CNN is essentially pushing the agenda of the Democrat Party by giving non-stop coverage to impeachment and by stating that all news coverage is about “moving toward impeachment.”
“I want to stay with this, our top, top — our own reporters, our own political analysts, the top, the top [unintelligible] we have,” Zucker says. “All these moves are moves towards impeachment.”
“Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment,” Zucker adds. “We’re moving towards impeachment … all these moves are moves towards impeachment.”
Zucker tells employees to “knock off” their friendliness toward South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.
The videos also seem to demonstrate a culture of bias at CNN.
CNN media coordinator Nick Neville says on an undercover video that Zucker “has a personal vendetta against Trump” and that he “blatantly hates Trump” and that it impacts CNN’s news coverage of the president.
“He hates him,” Neville says, adding that Zucker’s hatred for Trump means that CNN is going to give “negative” news coverage to the president.
Neville later appears to lament the way that the network covers the news as entertainment, saying: “But then you have higher up executives, like Zucker and other people, who are saying, ‘Well, we gotta make profits.’ So, you end up with things like — I don’t know if you heard this, but this week they had like a f***ing game show to, like, decide what dates they’re, it’s gonna be this debate.”
CNN floor manager Mike Brevna says that after Trump won the 2016 presidential election that people were “sobbing” around the office and people were “in shock.”
“That day, man, when I came in, everyone was silent,” CNN media coordinator Christian Sierra said. “Nobody wanted to talk. I’m like, like the mood was just so sour the whole day … . It was a f**king dreary day.”
Sierra admitted that CNN’s television personalities hate the president, saying: “Cooper hates him,” “Don Lemon hates him,” “Cuomo doesn’t like him,” and Jake Tapper “doesn’t like him either.”
Later Sierra admitted that the network does not cover Democrats and Republicans the same way during interviews.
“We’re tough on the Republicans,” Sierra said. “More so than the Democrats. Our Democratic interviews are like softballs, compared to the Republicans … if you notice like every time, we ask questions to Republicans, like it’s always a little tougher than when we do get the Democrats.”
David Chalian, CNN’s Vice President and Political Director, also appeared to attack Republicans, saying: “I think as big of a story as what President Trump has done here is the Republican’s sort of either delusional or defiant or silent responses.”
CNN has not issued a response to the Project Veritas videos as of publication.
PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle, Secretly Records Staff, Execs and Network President Jeff Zucker’s “Anti-Trump Crusade” and “Personal Vendetta” Against POTUS.
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— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 14, 2019