In one of two conversations with Russian hoaxers pretending to be teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg and her father Svante, Great Britain’s Prince Harry reportedly blasted President Trump, saying, “He has blood on his hands.”
The two hoaxers, Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov, allegedly called Prince Harry twice; once on New Year’s Eve and again on January 22, according to The Sun. They called Prince Harry on the landline at Harry’s luxury home on Vancouver Island, according to The Daily Mail.
Prince Harry reportedly told the hoaxers, ‘I think the mere fact that Donald Trump is pushing the coal industry is so big in America, he has blood on his hands.” He allegedly added, “The effect that [Trump’s coal policy] has on the climate and the island nations far, far away, again out of sight, out of mind … But we’ve visited those places and I’m sure you have as well. People’s lives have been completely destroyed. People are dying every single month by some form of natural disaster created from this huge change in our climate.”
Prince Harry also allegedly encouraged fake Greta to continue her efforts regarding climate change, saying that she should continue to push for climate justice, stating, “The more people say no to something, the more we should knuckle down and try and make it happen because, you know, if Donald Trump can become President of the United States of America, then anything’s possible, right? … I think there are some good leaders, political leaders around the world, and at the moment it’s severely unbalanced and in favor of bad leaders. And now I’m confident within the next five to 10 years things will change, but we can’t wait five or 10 years.”
Regarding a possible meeting between Thunberg and Trump, he reportedly advised, “Trump will want to meet you to make him look better but he won’t want to have a discussion about climate change with you because you will outsmart him.”
Prince Harry’s wife Meghan Markle said in 2016, “I’m voting for Hillary Clinton, not because she is a woman, but because Trump has made it easy to see that you don’t really want that kind of world that he’s painting.”
Prince Harry also reportedly stated to the hoaxers:
As we all know, the world’s problems seem to be getting bigger and seem to be happening far quicker . . . I think the solutions are far quicker to enable as well, but there needs to be a real shift in mindset. We try and do our best. I’ve spent many, many years being criticized by the media for doing all sorts of things and trying to change the way we think, um, and I can sympathize but at the same time applaud the work that all of you are doing because it’s not an easy time and the world is a troubled place and can be very easy to give up and I think what you guys are doing is absolutely remarkable. Unfortunately, the world is being led by some very sick people, so people like yourselves and younger generation are the ones that are going to make all the difference.
Last November, speaking at an awards ceremony, Prince Harry praised Thunberg, asserting:
When Greta started her climate change protest, she was just 15 years old. One voice, just one placard, sitting alone outside the Swedish Parliament. Many people, actually I should say many adults dismissed her. Yet today, millions upon millions of young people have joined her fight. She may have just been one person in the beginning, but she had a belief, a mission, and a desire not just to do something for herself but for everyone.
And now the whole world is paying attention. Whatever you dream, every country, every community, every friendship group, every school, every family needs their own Greta. Someone who can lead the way; someone who is prepared to stand up for what they believe and show how much they care for the people in their lives and the community around them.