Former President Barack Obama suggests in a new memoir that he picked Joe Biden to be vice president in part because Biden was white and older.
“One of the reasons I’d chosen Joe to act as an intermediary — in addition to his Senate experience and legislative acumen — was my awareness that in McConnell’s mind, negotiations with the vice president didn’t inflame the Republican base in quite the same way that any appearance of cooperation with (Black, Muslim socialist) Obama was bound to do,” Obama wrote, according to a copy of the memoir obtained by CNN. “I liked the fact that Joe would be more than ready to serve as president if something happened to me — and that it might reassure those who still worried I was too young.”
The quote has gained some attention online.
This is honestly such a new left thing to say: “Setting aside all of Joe Biden’s useful qualifications, I chose him because he’s white.”
— Geoffrey Ingersoll (@GPIngersoll) November 12, 2020
“It was as if my very presence in the White House had triggered a deep-seated panic, a sense that the natural order had been disrupted, which is exactly what Donald Trump understood when he started peddling assertions that I had not been born in the United States and was thus an illegitimate president,” Obama claimed. “For millions of Americans spooked by a Black man in the White House, he promised an elixir for their racial anxiety.”
Obama attacked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and former House Speaker John Boehner, suggesting that there “wasn’t much difference between Trump and Boehner or McConnell” in terms of seeking media attention. Obama said, “In fact, the only difference between Trump’s style of politics and theirs was Trump’s lack of inhibition.”
The Atlantic also published an excerpt from Obama’s memoir, where the former president made sure to take shots at the police.
“Beyond the struggle to put words on a page, what I didn’t fully anticipate was the way events would unfold during the more than three and a half years that have passed since that last flight on Air Force One. The country is in the grips of a global pandemic and an accompanying economic crisis, with more than 230,000 Americans dead, businesses shuttered, and millions of people out of work,” Obama wrote. “Across the nation, people from all walks of life have poured into the streets to protest the deaths of unarmed Black men and women at the hands of the police. Perhaps most troubling of all, our democracy seems to be teetering on the brink of crisis — a crisis rooted in a fundamental contest between two opposing visions of what America is and what it should be; a crisis that has left the body politic divided, angry, and mistrustful, and has allowed for an ongoing breach of institutional norms, procedural safeguards, and the adherence to basic facts that both Republicans and Democrats once took for granted.”
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