Multiple polls found President Joe Biden’s approval rating saw a minimal increase after his State of the Union address last week, with one describing Biden’s rebound as “anemic.”
A poll conducted by Investor’s Business Daily/TIPP found that Biden’s approval rating among U.S. adults failed to move significantly in the days after his State of the Union address on March 1. The poll of 1,318 adults was conducted between March 2 and 4. It found that just 39% of respondents approved of Biden’s job performance, compared with 47% who disapproved. That number was up just 1 percentage point from February, when 38% of respondents said they approved, compared to 48% who disapproved.
Democrats made up most of Biden’s improvement between February and March. IBD/TIPP found that 74% of Democrats approved of Biden’s job performance, while 15% disapproved, a significant jump from February, when his approval among Democrats stood at just 66%-21%. Republicans disapproved of Biden by a wider margin in March, 87% disapproval with just 8% approval, compared to 83%-11% in February. Critically, however, Biden failed to significantly move the needle among Independents: 53% of Independents disapproved of Biden’s job performance, while his approval rating stayed the same at just 27%. In February, Independents disapproved of Biden 55%-27%.
Americans also disapproved of Biden’s handling of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The poll found that 43% of adults disapproved of Biden on the issue, compared to 33% who approved. Independents were against Biden by a margin of 47%-21%. IDB/TIPP argued that disapproval on the conflict stemmed from concerns about skyrocketing gas prices, and voters faulting Biden for it. A plurality, 39%, said Biden’s energy policies bear “a great deal” of the blame for the increase in prices, while 38% blamed the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 35% blamed oil companies, and 34% blamed oil producing countries.
Biden’s approval rating on the economy was also poor, the poll found. Another plurality of respondents, 47%, disapproved of Biden’s handling of the economy, compared with 32% who said they approved, up 3 points from February. Independents shifted slightly towards Biden, 53% disapproval to 23% approval, compared to 55%-18% last month. But once again, the shift was mostly represented by Democrats, who approved of Biden’s performance 58%-16%, up from 51%-20% in February. Inflation was the primary cause of concern among respondents: 85% said they were concerned about inflation over the next 12 months. At the same time, just 19% of respondents said their wages were keeping up with inflation, while a near-majority, 49%, said they were not.
In addition to the IBD/TIPP poll, Quinnipiac found much the same thing, showing a minimal increase in approval rating for Biden post-SOTU. The survey of 1,374 adults conducted from March 4-6 found that just 38% approved, while 51% disapproved of Biden overall, compared to 37%-52% last week. Biden’s approval among Independents stood at a paltry 30%, with 51% disapproval. On Ukraine, 42% approved of Biden’s handling, while 45% disapproved. Rasmussen Reports’s daily tracking poll also found that Biden’s approval moved minimally after the State of the Union as well. Biden’s total approval stood at 41% approve, 57% disapprove, as of March 1, before Biden gave the address. His approval inched up to 42%-56% on March 2, and 44%-54% March 3, but has since dropped down to 41%-58% as of Tuesday. An NPR/PBS/Marist poll conducted between March 1-2 found a sizable 8-point jump in approval, but it appears to be an outlier, the only post-SOTU poll to find such an increase, according to the RealClearPolitics average.
The weak rebound for Biden’s approval rating comes after a State of the Union address that garnered the lowest viewership in 30 years, as The Daily Wire reported. Biden received just 38 million views for his speech, compared to former President Trump, who took in an estimated 45.5 million viewers for his first SOTU speech, and former President Obama, who pulled 48 million viewers in his first address. According to CNN, Biden also received the lowest number of “very positive” reviews in nearly 15 years of instant polling. Just 41% of viewers felt “very positive,” compared to 48% who responded that way to both Trump and Obama’s first SOTU addresses, and 51% who felt that way about Biden’s unofficial State of the Union last April.