Last May, The New York Times decided to refer to a baby’s heartbeat in the womb with a term designed to camouflage there was a real baby there, using the term “embryonic pulsing” to describe the heartbeat. On Monday, the Times decided to utilize another euphemism for the baby’s heartbeat, referring to it as “the pulsing of what becomes the fetus’s heart.”
In both cases, the article in May and the article on Monday, the Times was discussing the state of Louisiana. In May, in an article titled, “Louisiana Moves to Ban Abortions After a Heartbeat Is Detected,” the Times wrote:
A State House vote on Wednesday moved the abortion measure to the governor’s desk, after lawmakers rejected a series of amendments including an exception for cases of rape or incest. The measure would require an ultrasound test for any woman seeking to terminate a pregnancy, and forbid abortion if the test detects embryonic pulsing — which can occur before many women know they are pregnant. Abortions would be permitted only to save a woman’s life or to prevent a “serious risk” to her health.
The Times usage was noted by Alexandria DeSanctis of National Review, who tweeted, “In an article on the Louisiana heartbeat bill, @nytimes refers to a fetal heartbeat as ‘embryonic pulsing,’ taking its cues from the euphemisms of abortion-rights activists.”
On Monday, the Times returned to Louisiana as it discussed the reelection of Governor John Bel Edwards, writing:
Throughout the campaign, Mr. Edwards, a rare Democrat holding statewide office in the South, shined a spotlight on his conservative bona fides, like his support for a state law barring abortion after the pulsing of what becomes the fetus’s heart can be detected.
DeSanctis tweeted, “Here’s the @nytimes referring to a fetal heartbeat as ‘the pulsing of what becomes the fetus’s heart,’ but at least they managed to upgrade from ‘embryonic pulsing,’ which is what they used in their reporting earlier this year.”
Here’s the @nytimes referring to a fetal heartbeat as “the pulsing of what becomes the fetus’s heart,” but at least they managed to upgrade from “embryonic pulsing,” which is what they used in their reporting earlier this year.
— Alexandra DeSanctis Marr (@xan_desanctis) November 18, 2019
As The Daily Wire has noted, the Times is not alone in using euphemisms for the unborn baby’s heartbeat; last May, after heartbeat bills had been passed in several states, actress and pro-abortion enthusiast Alyssa Milano admonished the media, “Dear Press, stop calling them “heartbeat” bills and call them ‘fetal pole cardiac activity’ bills.”
Milano was quoting the headline from a 2016 article by abortion champion Dr. Jen Gunter in which Gunter ranted:
It’s bad enough that these bills exist, but the press needs to do a better job of calling them what they are. If politicians want to play doctor they should be using medical terms. If they refuse to use the correct terminology the press should correct them. People who vote for the a**holes who write these s*** shows know them as “heartbeat bills” not because they follow them as they groan through committee, but because that is how they read or hear about them in the news. The politicians know exactly what they are doing as a “heartbeat” bills is a way of making a 4 mm thickening next to a yolk sac seem like it is almost ready to walk … I expect nothing less than a campaign of misinformation from the misogynistic degenerates who hold office in these places.
… when most people think of a heartbeat they don’t think of a 4.3 mm thickening next to a blob they think of something like this… No one passing these laws gives a shit about the medicine or the science or the statistics … I really believe the a**holes in Ohio who voted for the fetal pole cardiac activity bill truly believe that the more than 21,000 women in Ohio who get abortions each year are just doing so because the greedy doctors who run the abortion spa at the mall have frequent BOGOs on pleasure abortions and if these little women just had a firmer hand from the patriarchy they would see the error of their ways. noted, “Between 5 ½ to 6 ½ weeks, a fetal pole or even a fetal heartbeat may be detected by vaginal ultrasound.” According to Johns Hopkins medicine, in a section titled, “First Trimester Fetal Growth and Development Benchmarks,” “By the end of four weeks: All major systems and organs begin to form. The embryo looks like a tadpole. The neural tube (which becomes the brain and spinal cord), the digestive system, and the heart and circulatory system begin to form. The beginnings of the eyes and ears are developing. Tiny limb buds appear, which will develop into arms and legs. The heart is beating.”