On Monday, before the massive rally in Richmond, Virginia, in which thousands of gun-rights activists protested plans by Virginia’s Democrats to pass sweeping gun-control legislation, Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer, a liberal protester who was killed during the Charlottesville rally of 2017 by a man who drove his car into her group of protesters, implied that she feels the Virginia Democrats have gone too far with their gun control legislation.
Speaking on CNN’s New Day, Bro, a gun owner herself, asserted, “I grew up around everybody owning guns; that was just a normal part of existence. Yes, I’m a gun owner. I believe in common sense gun measures, definitely, but not extreme measures. And I think that those need to be discussed. I think people need to be able to talk to their representatives.”
Heyer was killed in August 2017 when James Alex Fields Jr. rammed his car into a group of which she was a part; he injured dozens of others.
On Friday, Bro told The Independent she believed “in common sense gun laws,” adding that she did not support some of the Draconian measures the Democratic majority passed in General Assembly. She asserted, “Some bills are extreme measures, and I have seen those backed off from. You also have to think about enforceability: you have to think, are you really going to be able to enforce these things?”
Bro told CNN, “If I’m talking to someone who is a member of a hate group, I’m saying stay away. Don’t go to Richmond. We don’t need your ‘help.’ We can handle this on our own. If I’m talking to someone who has come because they care to participate in violence, even though they’re not normally a violent person, again: Stay away. If you’re there to actually speak with representatives, have your voice heard, have calm conversations about what’s happening, by all means, be there.”
Bro got her wish, as The Daily Wire reported, as those intending to stir up trouble got a rude reception from conservative activists attending the rally on behalf of gun rights:
When a man at the pro-Second Amendment rally in Virginia seemingly tried to agitate others into violence, conservative rally attendees shut him down and dismissed him as an “infiltrator.” “Wanna hop the fence and kill that guy?” a man at the rally said to another attendee talking about “revolution,” video shows.
Pro-Second Amendment advocates quickly jumped in. “He’s starting stuff up,” one man accused. “Why would you say something dumb like that?” “Are you conservative?” the man seemingly advocating violence was asked. “I’m a libertarian,” he responded.
“I’m a libertarian and that is not how we are!” another rally-goer shouted. “I think what that guy just said was absurd. We don’t believe in going and killing people. This is a peaceful rally.”
The man who asked about killing then seemingly claimed he was trying to expose a pro-Second Amendment rally attendee for promoting violence. “We know what you’re about,” the attendees told him. “You’re an infiltrator. Get the f*** out.”