On September 11, the 19th anniversary of the day nearly 3,000 people in America were killed in terrorist attacks by radical Islamists, filmmaker Michael Moore likened President Trump to Osama bin Laden, calling him a “mass killer.”
“My friends. This is murder. In the extreme,” Moore said in an “Emergency Podcast Episode” of RUMBLE, referring to the death toll of COVID-19.
Moore acknowledged that the president didn’t kill Americans “with his own hands,” but said like bin Laden — who masterminded the 2001 attacks — Trump bears responsibility.
“I can tell you for a fact that Osama Bin Laden did not fly a single one of those God damn airplanes. So he’s innocent? No. Trump is a mass killer,” Moore said. “Trump stood down and knowingly allowed 200,000 Americans to die. That is 67 9/11s. Take the dead of this day, take the dead of 9/11, multiply it by 67 times and that’s how many people have died of the coronavirus. Trump knew. So much could have been avoided.”
The left-wing director also said, “no American other than Confederate President Jefferson Davis and his General Robert E. Lee has killed more Americans than Donald J. Trump.”
“Think about that. Civil War. 600,000 plus dead. Thank you, Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee. We’re heading over 200,000,” Moore said.
Moore also referred to reports that Trump knew the virus would have severe consequences but chose to present an optimistic picture to Americans. “What if he had chosen to do what any other decent, sane, moral person would have done when informed about this national security threat?” Moore asked.
The director also warned backers of Joe Biden not to waste their time trying to persuade Trump supporters to join them. “You need to spend all that energy on getting out the people who are probably not going to vote — the people who need to join you and me and remove this son of a b****,” he said.
Moore’s comments come a couple of weeks after he said Trump is on course to win re-election in November.
“Are you ready for a Trump victory? Are you mentally prepared to be outsmarted by Trump again? Do you find comfort in your certainty that there is no way Trump can win? Are you content with the trust you’ve placed in the DNC to pull this off?” he wrote in a post on Facebook.
“I’m warning you almost 10 weeks in advance. The enthusiasm level for the 60 million in Trump’s base is OFF THE CHARTS! For Joe, not so much,” Moore wrote. “Don’t leave it to the Democrats to get rid of Trump. YOU have to get rid of Trump. WE have to wake up every day for the next 67 days and make sure each of us are going to get a hundred people out to vote. ACT NOW!”
“All of us have to really be in fighting mode because he is. He knows his people,” Moore added. “He will get all of that 44-46 percent out. He just needs a couple more percent of the people on his side who stayed home last time.”
RELATED: Michael Moore Scolds Biden For Going After ‘White Racist Redneck Votes In Michigan’