On Monday, responding to a letter from Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) in which she wrote to President Trump, “Your shamelessness knows no bounds. From day one of your presidency, you have attacked our democracy and now you have set your ire on the 550,000 Americans who on any given night experience homelessness,” Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson blasted Waters, firing back in a letter, “Shamelessness is a career politician of 30 years laying blame. Shamelessness is allowing more than 55,000 Americans to live on the very streets they represent.”
According to Politico, Carson also stated, “My mother always taught me that people shouldn’t throw rocks, especially while they live in a glass house. Because of that wise lesson, I was a little surprised to read your hostile letter to President Trump regarding the record number of homeless Americans in California, particularly in your district.”
Carson continued, “To me, the most compassionate, obvious, and logical solution would be to get as many homeless Americans off the streets — with a roof over their heads — as soon as humanly possible. I have sent multiple letters to your office and requested numerous meetings, but each time you’ve refused. Basic manners elude you and it seems that instead of producing results, you’re more interested in producing cheap headlines at the President’s expense — like a true career politician.”
Carson also stated, “Shamelessness is allowing anyone other than a biological female into a battered women’s shelter.”
In Waters’ letter, she snapped, “Given this deplorable track record, I demand that you provide additional information on your Administration’s recent report, ‘The State of Homelessness in America,’ and your reported plans to unilaterally demolish homeless tent camps and relocate homeless individuals to federally-owned facilities. As you know, homelessness in this country has reached crisis proportions and this effort would be one of the numerous cruel, unlawful, and unpatriotic actions you have taken during what will hopefully be a short-lived presidency.”
On October 1, Waters went off the rails as she attacked President Trump, tweeting, “I’m calling on the GOP to stop Trump’s filthy talk of whistleblowers being spies & using mob language implying they should be killed. Impeachment is not good enough for Trump. He needs to be imprisoned & placed in solitary confinement. But for now, impeachment is the imperative.”
She added, “Trump is so irresponsible & so hungry for power & control, he would dare imply that a civil war will ensue if he’s impeached. He is dog whistling to his white supremacists to create fear & intimidation b/c he knows he is going to be impeached. He knows he deserves impeachment.”
In June 2018, Waters ranted:
History will record while he tried to step on all of us, we kicked him in his rear and stepped on him. If you think we’re rallying now, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Already, you have members of your Cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants, who have protesters taking up at their house, who say, “No peace, no sleep. No peace, no sleep.” And guess what? We’re going to win this battle because while you try and quote the Bible, Jeff Sessions and others, you really don’t know the Bible. God is on OUR side! On the side of the children. On the side of what’s right. On the side of what’s honorable. And so, let’s stay the course. Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. Mr. President, we will see you every day, every hour of the day, everywhere that we are to let you know you cannot get away with this!