News and Commentary

LOL: Perfectly Parodied College Tuition Protest Song

Reason TV’s Remy Munasifi takes a swing at the generation of me-monster college kids who whine incessantly about not understanding why tuition is so high as they sip student lounge moca-frappucinos while angrily looking out over man-made waterfalls installed to “create calming spaces” on the green for pupils strolling to the campus sauna for help decompressing from all the micro-aggressions they’ve experienced. Poor widdle snow flakes 🙁

In a perfect 60’s era Dylan-esque protest folk tune, Remy sings:

We’re the students united and nothing can tamp us!
we’re taking our message to all parts of campus!
The administration’s who we’re trying to find
we want to know why our tuition’s so high!

So we check the yoga studio–they’re not there
The coffee shop, ice cream machine, everywhere
the sauna, the climbing wall, pool, the high dive
we want to know why our tuition’s so high!

We’re the students united, we won’t be divided
we’ll get what we want oh and don’t try to fight it
Our SAT / ACT scores are sublime
but there still are some answers we struggle to find

We’re protesting privilege, we’re marching the streets
with the golf and the dance and equestrian teams
We need a safe space from the intolerant
can’t you see your words hurt me you dumb piece of shit?

We’re the students united, we won’t be divided
we’ll get what we want oh and don’t try to fight it
Our SAT / ACT scores are sublime
but there still are some answers we struggle to find

We’re chanting with vigor, we’re chanting with rage
We won’t accept less than a good living wage
at a job interview we told them how we felt
but the last thing we heard they went with someone else

We’re the students united, we won’t be divided
we’ll get what we want oh and don’t try to fight it
Our SAT / ACT scores are sublime
but there still are some answers we struggle to find
yes there still are some answers we struggle to find

Exit thought by Uncle Bernie…

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