On Thursday’s episode of “The Michael Knowles Show,” Knowles lambasts the Left’s acceptance of “Drag Queen Story Hour.” Video and partial transcript below:
They had a “Drag Queen Story Hour” at an event in Portland. And the library is celebrating, and they’re posting photos of it. We were told, those of us who objected to “Drag Queen Story Hour,” we’re told: You’re awful, you’re bigots, you’re transphobic. You [are] a hateful person, [and] you’re hate-mongering. That big debate that broke out on the right — between Sohrab Ahmari at First Things and David French at National Review, over cultural conservatism versus libertarianism — that debate was kicked off by drag queens story hour. Sohrab Ahmari’s piece said, look, when we reach drag queens story hour for children, we have gone too far. We need to reexamine some of our libertarian premises. And what Sohrab Ahmari and other people were saying is this. This amounts to child abuse. … Maybe it’s not physically abusing children, but it is so confusing. It is so utterly absurd, the ideology and the gender ideology that you’re indoctrinating these kids with. We should not do it, [we are] all called haters for that. Well, guess what, turns out that the photos have now been deleted …
The drag queen who would come in, would lie down on the floor and then encourage all of the kids to crawl all over him. What does that have to do with reading a story in a public library? That’s pretty weird.
Just imagine for a second if a straight man, wearing a business suit, walked into a public library. Is that OK? [The man says,] “I’m going to do what I want to do with my time. I want to come in here, once or twice a week and I want to read books to a lot of like little children. I want the little children to gather all around me, and I’m going to lie down on the ground, in my business suit. And then, I’m going to encourage the kids to crawl all over my body. ”
Ok, is that cool? Of course not, the guy would be arrested if he did that. But because the man puts on a dress and makeup [it’s OK]. The pop culture, the leftist culture, celebrates it, takes photos of it, and is so blinded by their ideology, that they upload the photos to the Internet. As though this is perfectly normal and worth celebrating. It’s insane.
That is the effect of ideology. That is the effect of language. Because if a woman — let’s say a young woman, or a mother, or something — came into the library, and she was kind of playing around with the kids, and maybe they were on the floor, she was reading the story to them, and then, I don’t know, a kid jumps on her back or something. Because mothers are nurturing, because women are nurturing, it would be a little weird, but it wouldn’t be that weird. It wouldn’t be as weird as if a straight male, in his 50s, [who] came in a business suit, and said, “Hey kids I’m going to lie on the floor, rub all over me please.” But for some reason when you say it’s a man wearing a dress, or looks like a woman, who’s transgender — when you add all of these different layers of apparent victimhood to it — then it’s to be celebrated. Then we’re going to post pictures of that. What it shows is the currency of victimhood. In Texas, it’s not just this one “Drag Queen Story Hour” [as] in Portland. In Texas, when people objected to “Drag Queen Story Hour,” same thing: You’re a bigot, you’re a transphobe, you’re a hater.
Turns out, one of the guys who was coming in to do this “Drag Queens Story Hour” was a convicted sexual predator. He was a sex offender. Maybe they should have checked that. But, they’re so blinded by their ideology because of the language and because of the currency of victimhood. If you can claim victimhood in 2019, you can do anything, you can do anything you want.
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