There are few actors in Hollywood who are conservative, and even fewer who speak out openly about their political beliefs.
But Kelsey Grammer, the former star of “Frasier” and everybody’s favorite crazy man Sideshow Bob on “The Simpsons,” did just that last week, calling the abortion industry “dishonest” for using the term “reproductive rights” when speaking about terminating the lives of fetuses.
In an interview with the British newspaper The Times, Grammer said it “gets a bit dishonest to call something reproductive rights when you clearly have a choice well before a baby is conceived.”
The actor said even in the case of rape, abortion is not always the answer.
“If someone has to die as a result of rape, then we should kill the rapist – not the unborn child,” he said. “It’s a dicey area, but if you have respect for life, and respect for choice, then you can’t take life away from an infant.”
“Little makes me angry, but injustice does,” he says in the piece.
Grammer has weighed in before on the dicey subject. The 63-year-old actor in 2015 posted an image in Instagram of him wearing a shirt that compared abortion to gun death. “Would it bother us more if they used guns?,” the shirt said. supports overturning Roe v. Wade.