“Harry Potter” creator J.K. Rowling hit the warpath on Wednesday, threatening legal action after Wizarding News — a Harry Potter fan site that is dedicated to promoting the LGBTQ agenda and destroying Rowling — posted lies about her daughter.
Rowling posted a screenshot of @wizardingworld’s post — which alleged that her daughter hated her and had left the country to get away from her — and asked for help in getting the false story corrected.
“Reminder that J.K. Rowling’s eldest daughter (the one with whom she was famously pregnant while writing Harry Potter) changed her last name to literally get away from Rowling and moved to Portugal,” the outlet claimed.
“Could somebody who isn’t blocked by this account tell them this is untrue in all respects, as I suspect they already know. Lying about my kids is a new low, even by this website’s subterranean standards,” Rowling captioned the screenshot.
Could somebody who isn’t blocked by this account tell them this is untrue in all respects, as I suspect they already know. Lying about my kids is a new low, even by this website’s subterranean standards. pic.twitter.com/q2Gmd9SGux
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 20, 2024
In a later post, @WizardingNews shared a photo and claimed that Rowling was a grandmother and alleged that she did not talk about her grandchildren — a claim that Rowling also disputed.
“Again, completely false, @wizardingnews. I have no grandchildren. What are you gaining by posting these lies?”
You’re painting a target on people who have no connection with me, who aren’t my relatives. You surely know what you’re doing, but persist. Hate me all you like, but your actions are having real world consequences for people I don’t even know.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 20, 2024
“You’re painting a target on people who have no connection with me, who aren’t my relatives. You surely know what you’re doing, but persist,” she added. “Hate me all you like, but your actions are having real world consequences for people I don’t even know.”
Rowling went on to say that if the photo was not taken down and the story corrected, she would get lawyers involved.
“This is not a joke. The baby and its mother have no connection with me, @wizardingnews. That isn’t my daughter. Your vendetta against me is causing collateral damage to innocent people. If legal action is the only way to protect them, I will take it,” she said.
This is not a joke. The baby and its mother have no connection with me, @wizardingnews. That isn’t my daughter. Your vendetta against me is causing collateral damage to innocent people. If legal action is the only way to protect them, I will take it. pic.twitter.com/D8sLhCJcDM
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 20, 2024
The outlet claimed to have deleted the photo, but continued to attack Rowling. “Glad you seem to be self-aware enough to acknowledge the hate your bigoted rhetoric engenders.”
“You have me blocked, or I could respond directly, @wizardingnews. You’ve posted fabrications about my daughter. You have doxxed and targeted a young mother with no connection to me. I want a retraction and apology, or we go to lawyers,” Rowling replied.
You have me blocked, or I could respond directly, @wizardingnews. You’ve posted fabrications about my daughter. You have doxxed and targeted a young mother with no connection to me. I want a retraction and apology, or we go to lawyers. pic.twitter.com/6GwNyYfpvY
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 20, 2024
Rowling rounded out the conversation by laying out her assessment of the situation, again threatening to get attorneys involved if there was no forthcoming apology and retraction.
“@wizardingnews I’ve done everything I can to keep my children out of the public eye. My eldest daughter doesn’t owe you or anyone else details of her private life,” Rowling said. “However, for the avoidance of doubt: 1. Contrary to your claims, we are very close and last talked an hour ago. We discussed your posts, which have angered and distressed her; 2. Contrary to your claims, she doesn’t live in Portugal; 3. Contrary to your claims, she has no children; 4. The young mother whose photograph and personal details you published is not my daughter and has no relation to me whatsoever.”
“You’ve published easily disproven and damaging falsehoods,” Rowling continued. “Should we go to legal proceedings, you will need to show why, in spite of being told the truth, you neither retracted nor apologized. In the absence of any such retraction and apology, the next communication you receive will be from my lawyer.”
.@wizardingnews I've done everything I can to keep my children out of the public eye. My eldest daughter doesn't owe you or anyone else details of her private life. However, for the avoidance of doubt:
1. Contrary to your claims, we are very close and last talked an hour ago. We…
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 20, 2024