The second volume of Prager University’s Master’s Program is coming to DailyWire+.
The series, hosted by Dennis Prager, founder of PragerU, offers a deep dive into several of the most pressing issues facing the United States, exploring central facets of the human condition.
The newest episode, ‘Differences Between the Left and The Right, Part II’, builds off of the Volume 1 finale by discussing the rival positions that dominate our national discourse and the massive philosophical gap between them.
“You often hear ‘that which unites us is greater than that which divides us,’ which just isn’t true,” Prager said. “It might have been true 100 years ago, but it is not true today.”
While some people hold a mixture of conservative and progressive viewpoints, Prager argues that in our increasingly polarized society, more and more people have been drawn into incompatible ideological camps, which have coalesced around respect for tradition, individualism and local autonomy on the one hand and relativism, collectivism and centralized control on the other.
“Not every conservative holds every conservative position. Not everyone on the Left holds every left-wing position,” Prager notes, “but it applies to the great majority of people.”
The Place Of Religion And God In Society
Prager argues that the Left wants religion to be a totally private matter with no influence in the public square, but the Right wants a religious society that promotes shared values — specifically Judeo-Christian values — while having a secular government.
“That which society’s values rely upon is religion,” George Washington said in his farewell address.
Prager notes that while not all the Founding Fathers were Christians, they all acknowledged the importance of the biblical tradition to American culture.
“The role of the Bible in American life has no peer,” Prager said. “It was the central text, it was how you taught children values.”
The Worth Of The Human Fetus
Prager argues that on the contentious issue of abortion, the central issue is not even one of policy, but of basic reality — the Left and the Right cannot agree on whether or not a fetus in the womb is objectively a human being or if its personhood is arbitrary.
“On the Left… the human fetus has no intrinsic worth,” Prager says. “The mother determines 100% whether it is infinitely precious or worth nothing.”
Prager notes that if a gunman shoots an expecting mother and she loses the baby as a result, he can be charged with homicide, but if an abortionist kills the child at the mother’s request, it is often treated with all the moral significance of having a pimple popped — the fetus is only a person if the mother wants it to be.
Prager says that even by secular moral standards, that position makes no sense. The conservative position that the fetus is a human being and valuable in and of itself is an objective and consistent moral standard; while we may quibble over when in development a fetus becomes a person, whether or not terminating a pregnancy is murder is not a question that is subjective to individual whim.
American Exceptionalism
Prager says that the Left regards the idea that the United States is in some way special as misguided chauvinism at best, while the Right holds it as historical fact. For much of its history, the United States was the land of opportunity, and people around the world flocked to it to pursue their dreams and enjoy the freedom and prosperity that were unrivaled around the world.
“American exceptionalism is not a bragging right,” Prager said. “It is either true or not true.”
Furthermore, Prager argues that American Exceptionalism is not guaranteed, and that recently, the United States has become less free and less special — America’s national character was hard-won and must be safeguarded.
The Greatest Threat To The World
Prager notes that the Left often describes climate change as an ‘existential threat’ to human civilization, and one that justifies extreme measures to combat it. By contrast, while those on the Right generally accept that the planet is getting warmer, they don’t view it as a catastrophe, are skeptical of efforts to completely reshape the world economy, and view ‘green’ alternatives such as solar and wind as unreliable compared to fossil fuels or even nuclear power. The latter is especially telling because nuclear energy emits virtually no greenhouse gasses yet is typically overlooked or even scorned by environmental activists.
By contrast, the Right generally regards human evil as the supreme and ever present threat to mankind, and are skeptical of concentrating power in the hands of a ruling elite. They fear that those elites are corruptible and will leap from crisis to crisis in order to justify their continual use and abuse of power to the detriment of everyone around them.
The Left believes that a person’s racial identity is of paramount importance, while conservatives believe that individual character is paramount and that a person’s ancestry tells you nothing important about who they are.
“You know literally nothing about a person if you know their color,” Prager says, “so how can it be significant?”
In addition, Prager also analyzes differing attitudes towards guns, art, diversity, culture, morality, American history, justice, nationalism, and immigration, where the Left and Right hold similarly irreconcilable positions.
Episode 7, ‘Hurdles To Happiness’, which will be released on July 12th, explores the common obstacles people face to leading meaningful and fulfilling lives.
Episode 8, ‘Differences Between Men and Women’, which comes out on July 19th, explores the distinctions between the sexes and their complementary nature.
Episode 9, ‘The Case For Marriage’, slated for release on July 26th, argues for the necessity of traditional marriage for society and the individual.
The Volume Finale, ‘How To Be A Good Person’, examines the path to being an upstanding human being and living a virtuous life, and will become available on August 2nd.
The series will update on Wednesdays and can be viewed in its entirety on DailyWire+.
In 2020, The Daily Wire joined forces with Dennis Prager to expand the reach of PragerU’s culture-changing content. Going beyond five-minute videos, Prager is now distilling his wisdom and experience into a series that will strengthen minds and improve lives.
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