At Indiana University (IU) in Bloomington, Indiana, the University’s Health Center is offering its 4th annual sex fest, complete with sex toys and flogging tools as well as instructional diagrams. They even offer a demonstration of a woman being whipped as part of the spectacle.
The Indiana Daily Student reported:
A panel discussion on fetishes will take place 8 p.m. Feb. 5 at the Willkie Formal Lounge. SexFest is now partnered with “Cupcakes and Condoms,” a recurring sexual health fair at the Indiana Memorial Union. Attendees can receive free cupcakes, contraceptives and other prizes 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Feb. 6 in the Frangipani Room of the IMU.
The event is organized in collaboration with the student-run Sexual Health Advocacy Group, the Community Capacity for Prevention and Education, the Residence Hall Association and the IU Health Center … Attendees of the events can take home free T-shirts reading “I Love Sex.”
In an exclusive report, Blair Nelson of Campus Reform noted:
Campus Reform obtained exclusive photos of other parts of the event from Wednesday night, showing tables at the event full of whips, paddles dildos, and other sexual objects. One table contained a flyer that listed different types of “nipple toys” which included a “clothespin,” “nipple pump,” “nipple lasso,” “magnetic clamp,” “adjustable clamp,” “clover clamp,” “nipple tweezer,” and “hand.”
Nelson added:
Another flyer asked attendees to “circle things you know you want” and to “cross out things you know you don’t want.” Among the options to either circle or cross out in the “bondage” category were “rope,” “leather/cuffs,” “cages,” “collar/lead.” In the “sensation play” category, “electricity,” “hair pulling,” “scratching,” “mind f***s,” and “exhibitionism” were among the options. One category inquired about “marks,” giving participants the option of “none,” “for the day,” “for the week,” or “for the year.”
A conservative Indiana University student congressman, Matt Ahmann, told Campus Reform, “I find it very disappointing the Indiana University is sponsoring such a weird event.” He stated, “I’m beyond disgusted that this a university-sponsored event,” adding that IU “is morally bankrupting my generation.”
Indiana University spokesperson Chuck Carney told Campus Reform, “One of the topics most requested by students was how to practice BDSM safety. Our public health researchers have found some evidence to suggest that people are engaging in a broader range of sexual activities and as a result, it is the IU Health Center’s mission to make sure they practice it safely, following the BDSM community’s principal tenets of ‘safe, sane, and consensual.'”
Indiana University is the home of The Kinsey Institute for Sex Research, named after Dr. Alfred Kinsey, who was known as the “Father of the Sexual Revolution.” Judith Reisman, author of Kinsey, Sex, And Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People,” wrote:
Kinsey solicited and encouraged pedophiles, at home and abroad, to sexually violate from 317 to 2,035 infants and children for his alleged data on normal “child sexuality.” Many of the crimes against children (oral and anal sodomy, genital intercourse and manual abuse) committed for Kinsey’s research are quantified in his own graphs and charts.
For example, “Table 34” on page 180 of Kinsey’s “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” claims to be a “scientific” record of “multiple orgasm in pre-adolescent males.” Here, infants as young as five months were timed with a stopwatch for “orgasm” by Kinsey’s “technically trained” aides, with one four-year-old tested 24 consecutive hours for an alleged 26 “orgasms.” Sex educators, pedophiles and their advocates commonly quote these child “data” to prove children’s need for homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual satisfaction via “safe-sex” education. These data are also regularly used to “prove” children are sexual from birth.