
Grading Biden’s State Of The Union

No grade inflation or lowering of standards thanks to equity around here. Biden gets a D+.

US President Joe Biden speaks during a State of the Union address at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, US, on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023. Biden is speaking against the backdrop of renewed tensions with China and a brewing showdown with House Republicans over raising the federal debt ceiling.
Jacquelyn Martin/AP/Bloomberg via Getty Images

President Joe Biden spent 70 minutes or so bloviating about the current state of affairs in America at the annual State of the Union address. In short, the president used his time trying to convince the average Americans that their lying eyes are deceiving them.

To help condense and review his speech, we thought we’d give the alleged former, full-time professor at Penn a grade of his own.

Here’s a SparkNotes version of the speech that he slurred his way through: The economy is booming, the border is secure, Ukraine is winning the war (they just need one more round of billions), climate change will kill us all, and Republicans are the divisive ones — not the guy who called 75 million Americans “ultra MAGA extremists” threatening democracy. Oh also, they think men can be women and that abortion is a gift from God to be protected.

Needless to point out, that’s all a load of malarkey — as the Big Guy likes to say.

Worse, the speech itself was not anything unique. It was a campaign speech, not even pretending to be a State of the Union. He trotted out the same tired lines that we have all heard before. He even regurgitated lines from last year’s State of the Union.

Curiously, it seems that Biden spent a lot of time discussing things yet to come — not the state of the country as is. With dismal approval ratings, and the vast majority of Americans not wanting him to run again, it’s easy to see why he’d want to talk about the days ahead instead of what has been under Biden.

Here’s a more detailed report card breaking down Biden’s speech. The final grade is at the bottom.

The Economy

The president claimed that he created 12 million jobs, or more than any other president in history two years into his term. Even PolitiFact calls baloney on that one. Many of those jobs were ones that came back from before the pandemic — not brand-new jobs.

The president even had the gall to claim that his administration has worked to bring down inflation while ignoring the fact that it’s still much higher than when he came into office.

As The Daily Wire reported earlier — and as any American who does weekly shopping knows — prices are through the roof across the board. Record numbers of Americans say they are worse off than when Biden took office.

Biden also repeated that weird claim that fast-food workers had to sign non-compete agreements and couldn’t get a job across town. That’s already been debunked.

The best part of the night was that Biden was fact-checked in real-time by GOP members when he tried claiming that Republicans wanted to cut Social Security and other entitlements.


Regarding energy, Biden didn’t spend too much time on this — and perhaps for good reason. His remarks drew audible laughs from the GOP when he blasted oil companies for record profits.

He claimed that the oil companies “invested too little of that profit to increase domestic production and keep gas prices down.”

“Instead, they used those record profits to buy back their own stock, rewarding their CEOs and shareholders,” he added. “Corporations ought to do the right thing.”

Then, Biden said that executives told him point blank that they didn’t invest due to his policies meant to abolish fossil fuels. He reassured them by saying, “We’re going to need oil for at least another decade.” That line drew an uproarious response. Perhaps because no company would invest given that timeline, but also because America will need fossil fuels for decades to come.

The Border

Biden called upon Congress to come together on the border in a truly “bipartisan fashion.” As this author has previously covered, that should be taken to mean amnesty for some or all illegal aliens.

The president also claimed that border patrol has seized 20,000 pounds of fentanyl over the past year at the border. What he left out, according to The Washington Post, is that U.S. authorities seize only 5%-10% of the number of drugs smuggled into the country. That should give you an idea of the incredible amount of drugs flowing through the southern border.

He also neglected to mention that his policies — chiefly catch and release — are fueling cartels in Mexico. Their job is very easy to traffic humans. They just have to train their clients — poor individuals shelling out hundreds, if not thousands — on what to say once they get over the border. Then those illegal aliens are released into the U.S. interior.

Foreign Policy

Regarding foreign policy, the president rehashed the same lines of defending democracy in Ukraine. While perhaps a noble goal in theory, what he left out is that a year into the war, Ukraine isn’t anywhere closer to winning. He again promised to support Ukraine against Russia for as “long as it takes.” Polls indicate Americans are growing weary of that messaging and want peace talks.

Then, interestingly enough, Biden decided to talk about China. Fresh off the Chinese Communist Party sending a spy balloon that traversed the entire U.S. continental states, the commander-in-chief claimed that China was no longer “increasing its power” and that America was no longer “falling in the world.”

Of course, the balloon incident was entirely embarrassing for the United States. China has eaten our lunch, particularly as it has ramped up its domestic fossil fuel production while America has worked to make us dependent on foreign oil and gas.

He ended that portion by barking, “name me a world leader who changed places with Xi Jinping!” It made no sense, like most of the speech.

Social Issues

Fresh off talking about the border, Biden jumped into Roe v. Wade. The most Catholic president ever, or whatever he calls himself, claimed that Congress must restore the so-called right to abortion. Democrats stood and cheered for the killing of the unborn.

He also called upon Congress to pass the bipartisan Equality Act in order to protect LGBTQ individuals. Readers should know that bill supports mutilation of children à la sex-change procedures for minors.

Politicized Points

Biden could have had a nice moment of unity while recognizing Paul Pelosi, who survived an attack allegedly committed by a deranged illegal alien. Instead, he used the moment to make a veiled jab about January 6 and former President Donald J. Trump’s 2020 election claims — as if those explained why a crazy guy with a hammer broke into Pelosi’s home.

Biden Going After Blue-Collar Trump Voters Hard

Former President Donald Trump won in 2016 in large part thanks to his rhetoric about the forgotten man and bringing back American manufacturing. Across the country, blue-collar voters flipped from having previously voted Democrat and supported Trump in his race against Hillary Clinton. In the 2020 election, Trump maintained that support, but many stayed home.

Now, it looks like Biden is targeting those voters for support in 2024.

“My economic plan is about investing in places and people that have been forgotten,” Biden said during the speech.

“Amid the economic upheaval of the past four decades, too many people have been left behind or treated like they’re invisible,” he said touchingly. Maybe that’s you, watching at home.

He went on to discuss the dignity of having a job and how he understands the hope those Americans felt.

It’s a pretty poignant message — and if he continues it, might get him more voters.

Of course, his policies won’t actually help those voters, but even he knows he needs to talk about them.


All in all, the speech was nothing new. It wasn’t surprising; it was more of the same. Blame Republicans for problems and lie, lie, lie. Given the fact that he recycled old material, and had no true moments of unity — aside from saying you should never bet against America — as well as the fact that he appeared visibly confused, Biden earned a D+ for this speech.

Had the writing been better, and had he offered a fresh path forward for the nation — or at least pretended to — perhaps that score would be higher. But he gets a D+.

It’s such a high score for Biden because of his willingness to engage blue-collar voters while copying Trump’s rhetoric. Smart move.

But alas, sorry Joe, no lowering of standards via equity around here.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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