According to a report in the Texas Monthly, Democrats who have been hoping to turn the state of Texas blue are facing the stark realization that the Hispanic vote they seemingly take for granted is far more conservative than they are willing to admit.
The Texas Monthly notes:
Last year, McAllen experienced the biggest shift in party vote share, toward Donald Trump, of any large city in the country save for Laredo, 150 miles to the northwest. In both border towns, Trump improved on his 2016 results by more than 23 points. … no area fled further into the GOP camp than South Texas, where 18 percent of the state’s Hispanic population lives.
“In Starr County, just upriver from McAllen, Republicans increased their turnout by almost 300 percent between 2016 and 2020,” the Texas Monthly adds. “While Hillary Clinton won there by sixty points, Joe Biden barely scraped out a five-point victory. In Webb County, home of Laredo, Trump cut his 2016 margin of defeat by more than half. And in Zapata County, which didn’t even have a local Republican party, Trump became the first GOP presidential candidate to win since Warren G. Harding was on the ballot a century ago.”
“Of the 4 million new residents that Texas gained in the last decade, nearly 2 million were Latino, while only 5 percent were White,” The Washington Post reported in August.
The Monthly posited that many Texas Hispanics “actively reject being cast as immigrants. In 2020 ignorance of these facts embarrassed state and national Democrats. While Hispanic South Texans are proud of their Mexican heritage, many do not consider themselves to be ‘people of color’ at all. “
“On the 2010 census, 53 percent of Americans who answered that they were Hispanic or Latino also marked their race as white,” The Monthly pointed out. “Last year, in Starr County, where 96 percent of respondents were Hispanic, almost 99 percent identified as white. … Such results were common across South Texas, where 76 percent of Hispanic residents identify as white, substantially more than the 62 percent who do statewide. In Laredo, 95 percent of respondents marked Hispanic or Latino—making it the second-most Hispanic city in the country—and 96 percent identified as white. “
Manuel Pescador Jr., 54, an occupational safety consultant who lives in McAllen, told The Associated Press that he left the Democratic Party because they offered “handouts and false promises,” adding that illegal immigration also played a role. He said of illegal immigrants, “They come here, they refuse to assimilate and they’re here to use everything they can, in any way they can. And so that’s why I call them ‘depleters.’ That’s why that Hispanics that can vote, vote Republican because we know who’s coming in.”
The Texas Republican Party website was reportedly hacked over the 9/11 weekend. The website wrote: “While the nation paused over the weekend in remembrance of the 20th anniversary of 9/11 the Republican Party of Texas website was hacked. Pro-abortion activists targeted us because of our strong support for the Heartbeat Act. This attack adds to a growing list of actions by the radical left who tries to silence anyone that disagrees with them.”