Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ignited a firestorm on social media and throughout the political world on Tuesday evening after she thanking George Floyd for “sacrificing” his life.
“And thank God, the jury validated what we saw, what we saw,” Pelosi said in front of the U.S. Capitol Building as she delivered remarks with the Congressional Black Caucus. “So, again, thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice. For being there to call out to your mom. How heart-breaking was that? To call out to your mom, ‘I can’t breathe.’ But because of you – and because of thousands, millions of people around the world who came out for justice – your name will always be synonymous with justice.”
Speaker Pelosi: "Thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice … Because of you and because of thousands, millions of people around the world who came out for justice, your name will always be synonymous with justice."
— The Recount (@therecount) April 20, 2021
Pelosi’s comments followed a jury in Minneapolis returning a verdict convicting former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on all counts, manslaughter and murder, in the death of Floyd last May.
Pelosi faced overwhelming backlash from individuals across the political spectrum, especially on the political left and in the black community. Pelosi faced numerous calls to resign or retire.
Below is a small sample from the flood of responses to Pelosi’s remarks (warning: some tweets contain explicit language):
thank you George Floyd….for being murdered?
— Astead (@AsteadWH) April 20, 2021
Time to retire
— Kansas Green Party🌻 (@KSGreenParty) April 21, 2021
George Floyd didn't "sacrifice" his life for anything. He was murdered!
— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) April 20, 2021
Nancy just stop
— Justin Jackson (@J_ManPrime21) April 20, 2021
unreal levels of "this ain't it."
— jason concepcion (@netw3rk) April 20, 2021
Holy shit Nancy it's time to retire
— Joshua (@TheJWittz) April 20, 2021
George Floyd didn't sacrifice his life.
He was murdered by the police.
— DSA-LA 🌹 (@dsa_losangeles) April 20, 2021
there is no excuse for this bs logic anymore. he didn't sacrifice his life, it was stolen from him. that's what the whole "murder" thing was about.
— Lenika Cruz (@lenikacruz) April 20, 2021
please, please shut up Nancy Pelosi you fucking idiot
— Ben Mekler (@benmekler) April 20, 2021
"Thank you George Floyd for dying."
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) April 20, 2021
You have to imagine Pelosi tried that line out on people around her earlier and they nodded along as if it wasn’t one of the most offensive things they’d ever heard.
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) April 21, 2021
Hard to overstate the batshit craziness of this.
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) April 20, 2021
BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi thanks #GeorgeFloyd for being brutally murdered.
This is
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) April 20, 2021
Thank you, murdered person.
For without your horrific killing, we would have never known that it's not okay to kill people for no reason! 🙏
– N. Pelosi, in a nutshell
— Karen Attiah (@KarenAttiah) April 20, 2021
After hearing Nancy Pelosi's comments on George Floyd, my only political opinion is that we should stop electing really old people to office and enforce term limits.
— Isaac (@WorldofIsaac) April 20, 2021
Pelosi thanking George Floyd for his "sacrifice" continues the tradition of White people in power seeing us as Black pawns on their ivory chess boards. George Floyd's life mattered before he was murdered.
— Albert Lee (@AlbertLee2020) April 21, 2021
fuck you. you absolute fucking ghoul
— natalie watson [KEYBLADE MASTER] (@nataliewatson) April 20, 2021
George Floyd didn’t sacrifice his life. George Floyd was killed by the State.
— RealTimBlack (@RealTimBlack) April 21, 2021
This is insane and so off the mark.
— Arthur Lynch (@alynch1788) April 20, 2021
I say this truly and with every ounce of meaning I can muster: what the shit
— Nathan Grayson (@Vahn16) April 20, 2021
He wasn't martyred. HE WAS MURDERED NANCY!
— Maysoon (@maysoonzayid) April 21, 2021
"Sacrificing your life for justice"???? He was murdered.
— Jev (@quickdrawjev) April 20, 2021
This is absolute fucking insanity. Some people are just legit TOO OLD To be in office and be speaking publicly and this woman is one of them.
— KFC (@KFCBarstool) April 20, 2021
she couldn’t fuckin wait to fumble this one
— Jack Dolan (@jackydeezsteez) April 20, 2021
What the fuck
— Zach Harper (@talkhoops) April 20, 2021
I am quite simply screaming in horror
— Rafi Schwartz (@TheJewishDream) April 20, 2021
Yikes doesn't even begin to cover it
— Suzie Hunter ⚾️ (@TheSuzieHunter) April 20, 2021
This video is even worse, oh my goodness.
— Ry (@JustRyCole) April 20, 2021
SHE LOOKS UP AT HEAVEN when she “thanks” george floyd for his “sacrifice”??????
— aleks chan (@aleksnotalex) April 20, 2021
"thank you George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice." What a grotesque way to frame someone being murdered—as an opportunity for white people to learn about justice.
— 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐤𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐧𝐚𝐧 (@ManishaKrishnan) April 20, 2021
Nancy Pelosi always manages to find a stunning new way to be tone deaf.
— Mike Selinker (@mikeselinker) April 20, 2021
What the hell is this word soup? George Floyd wasn't Jesus, he did not sacrifice anything, and justice isn't served. Nor will it "prevail" without change.
— ConStar (@ConStar24) April 20, 2021
— Moneybagg Yo(hannes) 🇪🇷 (@AronYohannes) April 20, 2021
Thank you? Should be saying sorry that this happened and is still happening. Should be apologising that it took so long to get to this point and despite clear video evidence, nobody was sure what the verdict would actually be.
— Mark Bullock (@MarkBullockNFL) April 20, 2021
I don’t even think Trump could’ve fumbled this hard
— Madeaux (@Madeaux) April 21, 2021
what the hell
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) April 20, 2021
Is it crack?
— Amra Olević Reyes (@amrezy) April 20, 2021
“sacrificing your life for justice…”
oh my
— Josh Hammer (@josh_hammer) April 20, 2021
Kind of barbaric to put it that way
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) April 21, 2021
this ain't it
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 20, 2021
Oh my god.
— Emma Vigeland (@EmmaVigeland) April 20, 2021
These people are in a cult and the violent felon George Floyd is their Christ figure
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) April 21, 2021
No, just wrong, deeply wrong
— Ashley Kang (@AshleyKang) April 20, 2021
An actual demon
— Phillip (@MajorPhilebrity) April 20, 2021
Sacrificed his life? His life was taken from him. Murder isn’t sacrifice. And his name isn’t “synonymous with justice.” His name is synonymous with injustice bc he was murdered by police, by an institution that murders regularly with impunity.
— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) April 21, 2021
`sacrifice’ would imply a conscious decision. A deliberate action. He WANTED to live.
— before we PANIC (@sincerelyTOBi) April 20, 2021
Never this.
— Women's Equality Party (@WEP_UK) April 20, 2021
Im logging off bro
— Gangsta Boo (@GangstaBooQOM) April 21, 2021
Oh no no. That’s not it. 🤦🏻♀️
— Jessica Vosk (@JessicaVosk) April 21, 2021
How the fuck do you fix your deluded little brain to “thank” a man who was begging for air you fucking weirdo
— Jahkara🌻 (@SlaylerJ) April 20, 2021
Someone tell Nancy that George didn't sacrifice his life… he was murdered. She just Magical Nergo'd him right before our eyes. These people are so out of touch.
— Loading… (@KirkWrites79) April 20, 2021
🤷🏾♂️😡Who is her speech writer!#terrible
— Aaron Hayden (@Ran4UT) April 20, 2021
— Mike Monteiro, cisgender male (@monteiro) April 20, 2021
He did not sacrifice his life!!! He was MURDERED!!!!! 🤦🏿♂️
— Sebastian Joseph-Day (@SJD_51) April 20, 2021
Nancy, he was murdered.
— Derrion L. Henderson (@DerrionLH) April 20, 2021
No. Just no.
— Robert A George (@RobGeorge) April 20, 2021
George Floyd didn’t want to be a martyr, didn’t choose to make a sacrifice, he was murdered.
This verdict isn’t justice, it’s a small piece of accountability
Justice won’t happen until police stop killing us, you know more people that you will claim made a sacrifice….
— Anthony V. Clark (@anthonyvclark20) April 20, 2021
Yeah….. no.
— Carrington Harrison (@cdotharrison) April 20, 2021
She isn’t serious at all… Sacrifice??? Smh
— Amani Hooker (@amanihooker37) April 20, 2021
Let's NOT romanticize the murder of a man who would wanted to live by referencing the inhumane way he was killed as a sacrifice made to right the wrong in this country…
— Eunique Jones Gibson (@eunique) April 20, 2021
fyi Pelosi said "thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice" at a presser with the Congressional Black Caucus.
— Kimmy (@kimmythepooh) April 20, 2021
The most tone deaf and ignorant thing imaginable. Pelosi does not see George Floyd as a man wrongfully murdered, but as a prop.
— James Rhine (@jamesrhine) April 20, 2021
You fucking batshit crazy lunatic. . . I don’t think that was what he signed up for
You fucking pastel suited turd
— Zach Myers (@ZMyersOfficial) April 20, 2021
Oh my god, take away the mic.
— Andrés Fuentes (@news_fuentes) April 20, 2021
— Stephanie. (@stephanie_hinds) April 20, 2021
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 20, 2021
What the actual fuck
— Evan Siegfried (@evansiegfried) April 20, 2021
One of the most high ranking figures in government had days to prepare something to say about a moment of national significance and this is what she landed on
— Max Tani (@maxwelltani) April 20, 2021
This feels a bit much Nancy… can she step down already? I think we need some younger leadership here.
Instead of thanking him, she should be apologizing to him and his family that he had to be sacrificed to the system.
This isn't anything new, yet congress does nothing.
— Gissur Simonarson (@GissiSim) April 20, 2021
God forbid I am ever taken from this earth by a white supremacist or system of white supremacy, please don't let the people like Nancy Pelosi say I "sacrificed my life".
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) April 20, 2021
Nancy Pelosi thanks George Floyd for being murdered
— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) April 20, 2021
Transcript and video of Pelosi’s full remarks available below:
NANCY PELOSI, HOUSE SPEAKER: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. As you probably know, there are many honors that are afforded to a Member of Congress, and certainly many more to the Speaker of the House. But nothing surpasses the honor of being with the Black Caucus today, when we have seen a step in the right direction for justice done.
Earlier, around three o’clock, I spoke to the family to say to them, ‘Thank you, God bless you, for your grace and your dignity, for the model that you are, appealing for justice in the most dignified way.’ They are in search of justice then, and now they see this giant step. But as our colleagues have said, it’s not over.
They complimented the Congressional Black Caucus for its role that it has played in all of this. They’re eager to see Karen Bass’ George Floyd Justice in Policing Act passed and signed by the President into law.
All of them – well, Philonise has, you know, become a star. Rodney and Terrence, the brothers. Bridgett is their sister. We all know Ketta, who is a force of nature within the family. Gianna, the little girl, his daughter, Gianna, to see this justice on behalf of her father. His name synonymous with justice and dignity and grace and prayerfulness – and prayerfulness. So, we thank God. We thank Jesus because we were praying to him all along. Right, darling? Praying? We thank God. They are people of faith. They conveyed that to me on the phone, but they’ve conveyed it all along.
So, as we – eight weeks, according to what the judge said on this before, we know the sentencing, but that’s part of the justice of it all, as well.
Mr. Clyburn has been a solid, steady, steady force for all of us here. Because this is there – this was traumatic. My little granddaughter, who just turned twelve, she said, ‘Why is it taking so long?’ Well, it didn’t take that long, but – ‘We all saw it on TV. We saw it happen.’ And thank God, the jury validated what we saw, what we saw.
So, again, thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice. For being there to call out to your mom. How heart-breaking was that? To call out to your mom, ‘I can’t breathe.’ But because of you – and because of thousands, millions of people around the world who came out for justice – your name will always be synonymous with justice. And now we have to make sure justice prevails in the sentencing. But that’s, you know, that’s its own procedure.
Our responsibility is to make sure that Karen Bass, who has been so open to justice, with the bill that she put together, she wrote – and now trying to find areas of agreement in the Senate. Because unless we can change the law, this will be an episode. We change the law, we’re going down a different path altogether.
So thank you, Madam Chair Beatty, for your great leadership in all of this, for being a steady voice, for keeping some of us who just were calling constantly, ‘Did you hear anything?’ or whatever, in a place where we could follow the lead of the family: grace, dignity, prayerfulness, but having a rage for justice, which is what we all have.
With that, I yield back to the distinguished Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, and let’s hear it for the Congressional Black Caucus. That’s an applause line.