Dr. Leah Torres is a famous enough abortionist that she’s earned a “Verified” blue check mark on Twitter, and Monday night, after a confrontation with pro-lifers on the social media platform, she got very real about how sick and twisted she really is, trying to defend her job of ending the lives of children in the womb.
It started out with Dr. Torres attempting to explain that she performs abortions for the love of murdering pre-term children, rather than for the money. After all, she says, she could earn much more delivering live babies than delivering dead ones. And as for that Hippocratic Oath she took, well, that’s an ancient Greek tradition, and she believes she “does no harm” as required by the promise all doctors take upon earning their degree, by ending pre-born lives rather than allowing women to carry an “unwanted” pregnancy to term.
Your ignorance is showing
Look up what docs get paid for delivering babies vs for performing abortions.
I’ll take $3K for the delivery over $100 for the abortion.
Why do anti-choice folks always think it’s for money? https://t.co/ZQB671rTdl
— Leah Torres, MD (@LeahNTorres) March 11, 2018
But, finally backed into a corner, Dr. Torres got very depraved.
Confronted with the idea that children subjected to partial-birth abortion — a procedure that allows doctors to kill a baby mere moments before birth — feel pain, and even cry during the process, Dr. Torres shared her secret for scream-free murders: you cut the child’s vocal cords before you complete the rest of the “procedure.”
So f it’s not for the money, is it because you just like infanticide?
Do you hear their heartbeats when you lay down at night?
Do you hear their screams?
— Zarba (@ZarbaNotZorba) March 11, 2018
You know fetuses can’t scream, right? I transect the cord 1st so there’s really no opportunity, if they’re even far enough along to have a larynx.
I won’t apologize for performing medicine. I’m also a “uterus ripper outer,” if that’s how you’d like to describe hysterectomy. https://t.co/lng0W3ta5J
— Leah Torres, MD (@LeahNTorres) March 11, 2018
For the first time in a long time, Twitter was shocked — at least momentarily — into silence.
Of course, that didn’t last for long. National Review’s Charles Cooke chimed in with some advice for Dr. Torres for the next time she giddily admits to mutilating children as she pulls them screaming (or in parts) from their mothers wombs: maybe don’t let everyone know exactly how you avoid being haunted by the deaths of so many babies.
“They can’t scream because I cut their throats” might need a little more workshopping. https://t.co/qujh4XhrOg
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) March 14, 2018
“LOL, idiot. They can’t scream if I slit their throats”
–Ted Bundy err Leah Torres, MD https://t.co/v2ZyzOWhem— F. Bill McMorris (@FBillMcMorris) March 14, 2018
We lost our second child 17 weeks into pregnancy, loved her, held her and think about her every day.
This makes my stomach churn. https://t.co/Bp4Z5ssQhI
— Barrett Sallee (@BarrettSallee) March 14, 2018
There’s a difference between being clinical and being a spiteful ghoul. Guess which side of that line you’re standing on. https://t.co/hV8pvnRTUA
— neontaster (@neontaster) March 14, 2018
Sickening. Just sickening.