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CNN Analyst Mocks Sandmann Speaking At RNC: ‘Snot Nose Entitled Kid’
On Tuesday night, as Nick Sandmann, the Kentucky student from Covington Catholic High School, spoke at the Republican National Convention, former Bill Clinton press secretary and current CNN analyst Joe Lockhart took a shot at him, calling Sandmann a “snot nose entitled kid.”
Lockhart tweeted, “I’m watching tonight because it’s important. But i don’t have to watch this snot nose entitled kid from Kentucky.”
I'm watching tonight because it's important. But i don't have to watch this snot nose entitled kid from Kentucky.
— Joe Lockhart (@joelockhart) August 26, 2020
Lockhart was slammed hard on social media for his attack on Sandmann:
Said “snot nose kid from Kentucky” sued the network you work for – for $250 million. The network settled. https://t.co/hkjO25WLev
— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) August 26, 2020
It’s rare to watch someone fall into an obvious trap in real time, but it happens: https://t.co/bFpqKkjBF5
— Emily Zanotti 🦝 (@emzanotti) August 26, 2020
CNN political analyst describes Nick Sandmann, the teenager who addressed at Republican convention the media's shocking persecution of him for his pro-life, pro-Trump views, as "snot nose entitled kid" https://t.co/pEq7ZmlliW
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) August 26, 2020
Gotta imagine this tweet from a CNN employee doesn’t stay up long. https://t.co/TsL8WsWwRu
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) August 26, 2020
Sandmann, of course, was traduced by the mainstream media after a leftist Native American activist named Nathan Phillips approached him and his friends at the March For Life rally in Washington, D.C., in January 2019, banging a drum and at times getting inches from Sandmann’s face, while later describing the boys as “beasts.”
On March 4, 2019, The Daily Wire reported:
Lawyers representing Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann said on Monday that they are doubling down on going after The Washington Post in court for lying about their client after the left-wing newspaper issued an editor’s note on Friday night that they say was “too little and too late.”
“The note, posted Friday evening, does not apologize for the role the Post’s biased ‘journalism’” played in smearing Covington Catholic teenagers and getting them death threats, but does say subsequent reporting contradicted or failed ‘to confirm accounts provided’ in the initial story,” The Daily Wire reported on Saturday. “There was no apology to the students who were smeared as racist bullies, when, in fact, these students were the victims of racist bullying by Black Hebrew Israelites and intimidation from Phillips and his activist friends who walked into the group of teenagers and began banging a drum just inches from Sandmann’s face as he politely smiled.”
Sandmann also sued CNN; in January 2020 CNN settled out of court. “CNN agreed Tuesday to settle a lawsuit with Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann,” Fox 19 reported. “The amount of the settlement was not made public during a hearing at the federal courthouse in Covington.”
In July 2020, Sandmann announced he had settled with The Washington Post, writing, “On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit. Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do.”
On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit. Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do.
— Nicholas Sandmann (@N1ckSandmann) July 24, 2020
On Tuesday night at the RNC, Sandmann spoke of the incident at the March For Life:
My life changed forever in that one moment. The full war machine of the mainstream media revved up into attack mode. They did so without ever researching the full video of the incident; without ever investigating Mr. Philips’ motives; or without ever asking me for my side of the story. And do you know why? Because the truth wasn’t important. Advancing their anti-Christian, anti-Conservative, anti-Donald Trump narrative was all that mattered. And if advancing their narrative ruined the reputation and future of a teenager from Covington, Kentucky…so be it. That will teach him not to wear a MAGA hat!”
I learned that what was happening to me had a name. It was called being cancelled. As in annulled. As in revoked. As in made void. Cancelled is what’s happening to people around this country who refuse to be silenced by the far left. Many are being fired, humiliated or even threatened. Often, the media is a willing participant.”
But I wouldn’t be cancelled. I fought back hard to expose the media for what they did to me and won a personal victory. While much more must be done, I look forward to the day that the media returns to providing balanced, responsible and accountable news coverage. In November, I believe this country must unite around a President who calls the media out and refuses to allow them to create a narrative instead of reporting the facts.”
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