A student working for his master’s degree in the Department of Gender Studies at the London School of Economics wrote in his paper, “We go unnoticed, right up until the moment they scream for mercy. Am I a threat to you? Do I send chills down your spine? Picture this, I hold a knife to your throat and spit my transness into your ear. Does that turn you on? Are you scared? I sure f***ing hope so.”
Matt Thompson’s paper, “Trans* Endemics: Embodying Viral and Monstrous Threat in Times of Pandemic,” was one of four papers read at a session called “No Time, No TERFS, No Norms” as part of a course titled Transnational Sexual Politics, taught by Dr. Jacob Breslow and Professor Clare Hemmings, The Post Millennial reported.
A “TERF” is a “feminist who excludes the rights of transgender women from their advocacy of women’s rights,” Oxford languages explains.
Thompson “identifies” as “genderf***” according to The Post Millennial.
Once apprised of the paper’s content by a group called “Sex Matters, the London School of Economics yanked the paper, tweeting, “Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This presentation did not abide by the School’s Code of Practice on Free Speech and has been removed from the relevant student conference pages.”
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This presentation did not abide by the School’s Code of Practice on Free Speech and has been removed from the relevant student conference pages.
— LSE (@LSEnews) July 26, 2021
In the paper, Thompson wrote:
Tell me, what do you find threatening? The police? Men? Me? … When you see me walk down the street with my long blonde hair, heeled combat boots, and make up to die for, are you scared? … You should be. … When I walk down the street, I see people who hate me and admire me; want to kill me, and want to f*** me. They see a threat, and I see a weakness. … I am both threat and threatened. I am the monster in your nightmares, I am the lamb for the slaughter, I am the butcher. Watch me take my knife to your throat. … TERFs see transness as an endemic threat to feminism, a “social contagion,” the frontier on which they’re going to defeat patriarchy. They don their JK Rowling masks and shout bloody murder about “female erasure.” They see trans* people and gender studies departments as brainwashing the population against the sanctity of biological sex. Actually, on this last point, they’re not too far from right.
This, in the midst of a global pandemic. … A pandemic that has trans* organisations across the world fighting for survival. And I don’t mean survival as in stocking up on toilet paper or making masks on your home sewing machine. Survival as in, access to gender affirming health care that can determine whether you want to live or die. Survival when living with family members that would rather beat you than use your correct pronouns. Survival when living on the street or partaking in sex work, as many trans* people do, are no longer viable ways of living. …
If TERFs think trans* is an endemic threat to feminism, let us be the threat to feminism. We are the endemic, the viral, the toxic onslaught of ideology that attacks the very core of what you hold dear. We go unnoticed, right up until the moment they scream for mercy. … Am I a threat to you? Do I send chills down your spine? … Picture this: I hold a knife to your throat and spit my transness into your ear. Does that turn you on? Are you scared? … I sure f***ing hope so.”