Speaking on the “Just the News AM” television show, Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage asserted that much of the American polling industry works in tandem with the mainstream media to disincentivize GOP voters from going to the polls on Election day.
“I think that polling is often used by the establishment as a way of disincentivizing the other side to go out and vote,” Farage said. “The morning of Brexit, there was a poll released that said Remain were 10 points ahead. And it was done, very simply, to say to potential ‘Leave’ voters, ‘Do you know what, if it’s raining, don’t bother to get down to the local school and vote, because you’re gonna lose anyway.’”
Farage commented, “And the polling industry is here in D.C.; it’s the same group of people that run mainstream media; they’re all the same people.”
“Are you saying this is a form of voter suppression?” asked the interviewer, Just the News’ White House correspondent and writer Carrie Sheffield.
“Yes,” Farage bluntly replied. “And I also think that after the year we’ve been through and after the hysteria over Black Lives Matter, and the fear that if we even question this Marxist movement, that somehow we’re going to be condemned for being racist and put on some list or treated in some way — I think the phenomenon of the ‘shy Trumper,’ who’s just not going to tell the pollster what they think for fear that they’re going to be knocked down in a book somewhere is even greater than it was four years ago.”
The interviewer pointed out that the Trafalgar polling experts felt that the phenomenon of the “shy Trump voter” was double what it was in 2016.
“I think that’s right,” Farage agreed, “and I also think there’s another factor here, which is that a lot of people who feel that they’re let down by the political establishment, the media establishment, see the polling establishment as being part of the same group. So if they get an email, or a telephone call for a polling company, they use ‘Anglo-Saxon language’ to say we’re not playing the game with you. So it’s actually quite difficult to track many of these people.”
He explained “Anglo-Saxon language” meant expletive-laden verbiage.
Farage said he was “struck” by American polls using “tiny” sample sizes generating margins of error running between 3% to 4%. He said, “Come on, you know, oh, in Florida, Biden’s half a percent ahead. It’s ridiculous, because the margin of error is several times bigger than that.”
During President Trump’s campaign in 2016, he held a rally in Jackson, Mississippi, at which Farage spoke. In his speech, he stated:
If the little people, if the real people, if the ordinary decent people are prepared to stand up and fight for what they believe in we can overcome the big banks, we can overcome the multinationals, and we did it! We made June the 23rd our Independence Day when we smashed the establishment.”
And we did it; everybody said we’d lose; and what did we see? We saw experts from all over the world. We saw the International Monetary Fund; we saw Moody’s; we saw Standard and Poor’s; we saw global leaders giving us project fear, telling us that if we voted not to be run by a bunch of unelected, old men in Brussels; yeah, well, it’s okay; they don’t like me either, so it doesn’t really matter, does it?
He recalled, “And we saw the commentariat and we saw the polling industry doing everything they could to demoralize our campaign.”
“On the day of the vote itself, that morning, they put us ten points behind. And actually, they were all wrong,” he continued. “And they were wrong because what the Brexit campaign did, was we reached those people who’ve been let down by modern global corporatism. We reached those people who have never voted in their lives but believed by going out and voting for Brexit they could take back control of their country, take back control of their borders, and get back their pride and self-respect.”