An SUV reportedly plowed through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, late on Sunday, resulting in multiple causalities.
“Multiple people were on the ground injured after the crash, which occurred shortly before 5 p.m.,” The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. “Videos posted to social media, including a live feed of the parade operated by the City of Waukesha, show a red SUV breaking through barriers and speeding into the roadway where the parade was taking place.”
Some local news reports said that law enforcement indicated that there were “at least 30 people down with injuries.” Videos available on social media showed the SUV running over numerous people who were marching during the parade.
We are on scene now. One man says “most of his family are in the hospital” as he and his wife walked away. There are emergency crews everywhere @fox6now
— Sam Kraemer (@SamKraemerTV) November 21, 2021
The Waukesha County Sheriff’s Office incident command post is on site. There are bag chairs and handfuls of candy stranded all along Main Street.
Another man told us he heard a handful of shots and ran for cover. He was almost hit by the SUV as it pulled through. @fox6now
— Sam Kraemer (@SamKraemerTV) November 21, 2021
Photos appear to show the red SUV involved in the Waukesha Holiday Parade incident. Follow updates here:
— CBS 58 News (@CBS58) November 22, 2021
Police shouting at least 30 people down and that shots were fired.
— Kaylee Staral (@KayleeStaral) November 21, 2021
Angelito Tenorio, a West Allis alderman who is running for Wisconsin state treasurer, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that it all happened “so fast.”
“As we were walking back in between the buildings that we saw an SUV crossover, just put the pedal to the metal and just zooming full speed along the parade route. And then we heard a loud bang, and just deafening cries and screams from people who are struck by the vehicle,” Tenorio said. “And then, and then we saw people running away or stopping crying, and there, there are people on the ground who looked like they’d been hit by the vehicle.”